With this setting you can set specify battery settings for self-use
Max. depth of discharge. to the default setting is 50%; this
value is preferable for daily use. The battery will not be
discharged beyond 50%. The number of charging cycles that
lead batteries can undergo before reaching the end of their
service life decreases with the depth of discharge. 50% is
recommended as a default value, depending of the exact type
of battery.
Support backup: if the local out is not used, you can disable
this function. In that case the system will go to standby if the
grid is down and the batteries are fully charged.
Limit battery to maximum discharge power: With the battery
power limiter enabled, the system will not use the battery to
feed peak loads. This provides extra protection for the battery.
Using a lower battery power for self-use compensation
increases the lifetime of the batteries, because the batteries
are not discharged as quickly. It also improves the self-use
consumption percentage, since at lower discharge powers
more energy can be extracted from the battery.
If the maximum discharge power is set too low, not all the
available battery energy is used. In an ideal situation the
maximum allowed depth of discharge should be reached at the
end of the night.
When batteries are discharged at high power levels,
drops can occur. These can result in under-voltage errors and
potentially damage the battery. Such voltage drops can be
prevented by limiting the discharge power.
Winter mode
With the winter mode enabled, batteries will not be used during
wintertime. This period can be defined by setting a start date
and an end date. During the winter the solar power available is
so limited that your batteries will most likely never become fully
charged or are not used at all. Accordingly, batteries will be run
at lower SOC levels or will remain discharged for weeks between
the maintenance charging cycles. Not using the batteries during
the winter will protect them against damage and will increase
their service life. The maintenance charge mode remains active in
order to keep the batteries fully charged.
Figure 28: Self-use
Figure 29: Winter mode