9 Dynamic Range Control (Multi-Slope Mode)
By setting “Multi-slope mode” using the CLISBee Control software, it is possible to
change the slope of the photoelectric conversion curve at multiple points in order to
increase the dynamic range of captured images.
In order to extend the dynamic range, you can send the commands “msl a, b, c” to set
the knee points of the linear r
esponse, and “mst d, e, f” to set the integration time ratio
of each slope. The greater the integration time ratio, the more the dynamic range is
extended; however the minimum value should not be less than 1.
Only operates in “Multi Slope” (inm 3) and “Ext Multi” (inm 4) modes. This
function cannot be used in Free Run mode or standard external trigger modes
(inm 0, inm 1, inm 2).
The scan cycle becomes longer than normal
(See Table 4-1-4-1 List of Camera Control Commands )
9.1 Operation in Factory Default Mode
As an example, take five levels of light intensity A to E (strong to weak). The 5
coloured lines/dots show the amount of incident light to the camera when exposure
time is set to 61. The factory default settings are “mst 0, 1, 10”; “msl 0, 5, 10”; “int *,
61” (exposure time).
1) Exposure starts at exposure time 0
At exposure time 50, the signal is reset to 1/3 of the saturation level. “Reset”
means that any signal above the set value (in this case 1/3 of the saturation
level) is discarded. With this first reset, the portions of signals A-C which
exceed the 1/3 saturation level are discarded, but D-E are unaffected.
3) With a further exposure time of 10 (from 50 to 60), the signal is reset a second
time to 2/3 of the saturation level. With this second reset, the portion of signal A
which exceeds the 2/3 saturation level is discarded. There is no effect on B-E
from this reset.
4) Exposure stops at exposure time 61.
*Actual settings & exposure times may vary depending on the camera model being used