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In the lower section of the configuration screen, click Available Information / Users. From the Users
menu, select items as required, examples are First Login at, Last Logout at, Total Time Logged In.
To include Unavailable codes in the report, click Unavailable Codes and you will be presented with a
sub menu displaying the Unavailable codes selected in the upper section of the report configuration
screen. Under each unavailable code, you can select Unavailable % Time, Count of Total Time. %
Time will show the percentage of time your have been unavailable in that particular unavailable code.
Count will display the number of time you have been unavailable for that reason. Total Time will
display the total time you have been unavailable in that code.
Other items can be included in the reports from the available menus. Each of the categories are
described as follows:
Call Durations / General
– Call durations can be used to display items such as based around the
duration of calls. For example you could display the total amount of time an agent been on an
incoming or outgoing call. Average Calls Durations can also be displayed as well as Ring no Answer
Costs / General
– If call costing, fixed costs or handling costs are being used, these can be included
by selecting items from the Costs menu.