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Once the registration has been submitted, it is automatically processed by a web server and a
registered license file is sent to the email address that was provided. The email will come from
and will have a license file attached. Save the
license file onto the MyCalls server and open the license manager *see note1. From the file menu,
select open and open the .lrf that was in the email. Verify that the information is valid and correct then
click Install to install the license. The main difference between the license pulled from the SV9100
and the registered license is the expiry date. The license pulled from the switch will have an expiry
date of 15 days from when it is read from the SV9100. The expiry date of the registered license will
increase by at least 1 year or to the date 01/01/2105.
*Note 1. If the file is downloaded using webmail, then there is a possibility is can become corrupted.
If when you attempt to open the lrf file in the license manager is says it
can’t open the file, then you
should re-register the license and download the attachment using another method other than
Click OK to complete the installation of the license.
Once the license has been successfully installed you will a receive confirmation.