6. Using On-Screen Menu
Selecting menu Color [COLOR SELECT]
You can choose between two options for menu color: color and monochrome.
Turning On / Off Source Display, message and Time [SOURCE DISpLAY], [mESSAGE DISpLAY],
NOTE: The source and current time will be displayed for the time specified in [MENU DISPLAY TIME]. When [MANUAL] is se-
lected in [DISPLAY TIME], the source and current time will be always displayed.
Selecting menu Display Time [mENU DISpLAY TImE]
This option allows you to select how long the projector waits after the last touch of a button to turn off the menu. The
preset choices are [MANUAL], [AUTO 5 SEC], [AUTO 15 SEC], and [AUTO 45 SEC]. The [AUTO 45 SEC] is the
factory preset.
Selecting a Color or Logo for Background [BACKGROUND]
Use this feature to display a blue/black screen or logo when no signal is available. The default background is blue.
You can change the logo screen using the Viewer feature. (
NOTE: When the DVI [COMPUTER 3(DVI-D) IN] input is selected with no signal, the blueback is displayed in regardless of the set-
ting [LOGO].
Selecting Interval Time for Filter message [FILTER mESSAGE]
This option allows you to select the time preference between displaying the message for cleaning the filters. Clean
the filter when you get the message “Please clean filter.” (
Five options are available: Off, 100[H], 200[H], 500[H], 1000[H]
The default setting is 500[H].
NOTE: The message for filter cleaning will be displayed for one minute when the projector is turned on or off. To cancel the mes-
sage, press any button on the projector cabinet or the remote control.
NOTE: Your setting will not be affected even when [RESET] is done from the menu.