To send a priority broadcast message
You can send a priority broadcast message to a public dis-
tribution list. A priority broadcast message is played imme-
diately when a recipient logs on, before NEAXMail AD-120
offers any other options or messages. A recipient must
hear the entire message before NEAXMail AD-120 marks
the message as old.
Your system administrator can set you up to send priority
broadcast messages to a particular distribution list. If you
are authorized, for special delivery options, the NEAXMail
AD-120 conversation asks if you want to mark a message
as a priority broadcast message.
If desired, you can prevent recipients from skipping or fast-
forwarding through the message. After you mark a mes-
sage for priority broadcast delivery, NEAXMail AD-120
asks whether you want to require recipients to listen to the
entire message.
If you require recipients to hear the message, a recipient
cannot skip the message or fast-forward through it. The
recipient cannot use other NEAXMail AD-120 features by
phone until the entire message is played. Each time a
recipient calls to check messages, NEAXMail AD-120 plays
the message immediately and keeps it new until the entire
message is played.