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㻌 㻔

















Содержание N8104-7149

Страница 1: ... 䛿䚸㻺㻤㻝㻜㻠㻙㻣㻝㻠㻥㻌㻝㻜㻳㻮㻭㻿㻱 ᥋ ᇶᮏ䝪䞊䝗㻔㻿㻲㻼㻗㻛㻞㼏㼔㻕䠄௨ୗ䛂ᮏ〇ရ䛃䛸 䜃䜎䛩䠅䜢ṇ䛧䛟䚸Ᏻ 䛻タ 䚸 䛩䜛䛯䜑䛾ᡭᘬ䛝䛷䛩䚹ᮏ〇ရ䜢ྲྀ䜚ᢅ䛖๓䛻ᚲ䛪䛚ㄞ䜏䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䜎䛯䚸ᮏ〇ရ䜢 䛩䜛ୖ䛷䜟䛛䜙䛺䛔䛣䛸䚸 ලྜ䛜 䛝䛯䛸䛝䛻䜒䛬䜂䛤 䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹ᮏ 䛿䚸ᚲせ䛺 䛻䛩䛠䛻ཧ 䛷䛝䜛䜘䛖䛻ᚲ䛪䛚ᡭඖ䛻ಖ 䛧䛶䛟 䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 ᮏ〇ရ䜢ྲྀ䜚 䛡䜛ᇶᮏฎ 䠄௨ୗ䛂ᮏయ 䛃䛸 䜃䜎䛩䠅䛾ྲྀ䜚ᢅ䛔䛻䛴䛔䛶䛾ㄝ 䛿䚸ᮏయ 䛻ῧ 䛾䝴䞊䝄䞊䝈䜺䜲䝗䜢ཧ 䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䜎䛯䚸ᮏ〇ရ䜢ྲྀ䜚ᢅ䛖๓䛻䛂 ୖ䛾䛤ὀព䛃䚸䛂ྲྀ䜚ᢅ䛔ୖ䛾䛤ὀព䛃 䜢ᚲ䛪䛚ㄞ䜏䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 ὀព㻌 㻌 〇ရ䛾䛤 ๓䛻䚸ᚲ䛪ᮏ 䜢䛚ㄞ䜏䛾ୖ䛷ὀព䜢䛚Ᏺ䜚ୗ䛥䛔䚹㻌 ᮏ 䛿䚸ᚲせ䛺 䛻䛩䛠ぢ䜙䜜䜛䜘䛖䛻ಖ 䛧䛶ୗ䛥䛔䚹㻌 ...

Страница 2: ...䛷䛩㻌 㻹㼕㼏㼞㼛㼟㼛㼒㼠㻌㼃㼕㼚㼐㼛㼣㼟㻌 䛿 ᅜ㻌 㻹㼕㼏㼞㼛㼟㼛㼒㼠㻌㻯㼛㼞㼜㼛㼞㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌 䛾 ᅜ䛚䜘䜃䛭䛾 䛾ᅜ䛻䛚䛡䜛Ⓩ㘓ၟᶆ䛷䛩㻌 㻼㻯㻵㻙㻱㼤㼜㼞㼑㼟㼟㻌 䛿㻌 㻼㻯㻵㻙㻿㻵㻳㻌 䛾Ⓩ㘓ၟᶆ䛷䛩䚹㻌 䛤ὀព㻌 㻌 䠄䠍䠅㻌 ᮏ 䛾ෆᐜ䛾 㒊䜎䛯䛿 㒊䜢 䛩䜛䛣䛸䛿 Ṇ䛥䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 䠄䠎䠅㻌 ᮏ 䛾ෆᐜ䛻㛵䛧䛶䛿ᑗ᮶ண 䛺䛧䛻ኚ 䛩䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 䠄䠏䠅㻌 䠪䠡䠟䛾チྍ䛺䛟 〇䞉ᨵኚ䛺䛹䜢 䛖䛣䛸䛿䛷䛝䜎䛫䜣䚹㻌 䠄䠐䠅㻌 ᮏ 䛿ෆᐜ䛻䛴䛔䛶 䜢ᮇ䛧䛶సᡂ䛔䛯䛧䜎䛧䛯䛜䚸 䛤 ᑂ䛺Ⅼ䜔ㄗ䜚䚸グ 䜒䜜䛺䛹䛚Ẽ䛵䛝䛾䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛧䛯 䜙䚸䛚 䛔ồ䜑䛾 ᗑ䛻䛤㐃 䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 䠄䠑䠅㻌 㐠 䛧䛯 ᯝ䛾ᙳ㡪䛻䛴䛔䛶䛿䠄䠐䠅㡯䛻䛛䛛䜟䜙䛪 䜢 䛔䛛䛽䜎䛩䛾䛷䛤 ᢎ䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 ...

Страница 3: ...䜢 䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹䛭䜜䛮䜜䛾 ㄒ䛿 ḟ䛾䜘䛖䛺ព 䜢ᣢ䛴䜒䛾䛸䛧䛶ᐃ 䛥䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 ே䛜Ṛஸ䛩䜛䚸䜎䛯䛿㔜യ䜢 䛖䛚䛭䜜䛜䛒䜛䛣䛸䜢 䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 ⅆയ䜔 ᡃ䛺䛹䜢 䛖䛚䛭䜜䜔 ⓗᦆᐖ䜢 䛖䛚䛭䜜䛜䛒䜛䛣䛸䜢 䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 䛿ḟ䛾䠏 㢮䛾グྕ䜢 䛳䛶 䛧䜎䛩䚹䛭䜜䛮䜜䛾グྕ䛿ḟ䛾䜘䛖䛺ព 䜢ᣢ䛴䜒䛾䜒䛾䛸䛧䛶ᐃ 䛥䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 ὀព䛾ႏ 㻌 㻌 䛣䛾グྕ䛿 㝤䛜Ⓨ 䛩䜛䛚䛭䜜䛜䛒䜛䛣䛸䜢 䛧䜎䛩䚹グྕ䛾 䛾 䛿 㝤䛾ෆᐜ䜢ᅗ 䛧䛯䜒䛾䛷䛩䚹㻌 㻔 㻕㻌 㻌 㻔ឤ㟁ὀព㻕㻌 㻌 Ⅽ䛾 Ṇ㻌 㻌 䛣䛾グྕ䛿 Ⅽ䛾 Ṇ䜢 䛧䜎䛩䚹グྕ䛾 䜔 䛟䛾 䛿䚸 䛧䛶䛿䛺䜙䛺䛔 Ⅽ䛾ෆᐜ䜢ᅗ 䛧䛯䜒䛾䛷䛩䚹㻌 㻔 㻕㻌 㻌 㻔ศゎ Ṇ㻕㻌 㻌 Ⅽ䛾ᙉไ㻌 㻌 䛣䛾グྕ䛿 Ⅽ䛾ᙉไ䜢 䛧䜎䛩䚹グྕ䛾 䛾 䛿䚸䛧䛺䛡 䜜䜀䛺䜙䛺䛔 Ⅽ䛾ෆᐜ䜢ᅗ 䛧䛯䜒䛾䛷䛩䚹 㝤䜢㑊䛡䜛䛯 䜑䛻䛿䛣䛾...

Страница 4: ...ಟ 䞉ᨵ㐀䛧䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹ឤ㟁䜔ⅆ 䛾䛚䛭䜜䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 䛼䜜䛯ᡭ䛷ゐ䜙䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹ឤ㟁䛩䜛䛚䛭䜜䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 Ⅽ䛾ᙉไ㻌 㻌 ᐃ䛧䛺䛔 ⓗ䛺 䛾 Ⅽ䜢ᣦ 䛧䜎䛩䚹ㄝ 䛻ᚑ䛳䛯 స䜢䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 ᮏ 䛾㟁 䝁䞊䝗䜢䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛛䜙ᢤ䛔䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹ⅆ 䜔ឤ㟁䛾䛚䛭䜜䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 ᐃ䛧䛺䛔 ⓗ䛺ὀព䞉 䜢 䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 㧗 䛻䜘䜛യᐖ䜢 䛖䛚䛭䜜䛜䛒䜛䛣䛸䜢 䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 ឤ㟁䛾䛚䛭䜜䛜䛒䜛䛣䛸䜢 䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 Ⓨ 䜎䛯䛿Ⓨⅆ䛾䛚䛭䜜䛜䛒䜛䛣䛸䜢 䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 ...

Страница 5: ...䛧䛺䛟䛺䜛䜀䛛䜚䛷䛺䛟䚸ឤ㟁䜔ⅆ 䛾 㝤䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹ᨾ㞀䛾㝿䛿䛚 䛔ồ䜑䛾 ᗑ 䜎䛯䛿ಖᏲ䝃䞊䝡䝇 䛻䛤㐃 䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㟁 䝥䝷䜾䜢ᕪ䛧 䜣䛰䜎䜎ྲྀ䜚ᢅ䜟䛺䛔㻌 㻌 ᮏ〇ရ䛾ྲྀ䜚 䛡䠋ྲྀ䜚እ䛧䛿䚸ᮏయ 䛾㟁 䜢 㻻㻲㻲 䛻䛧䛶䚸㟁 䝥䝷䜾䜢䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛛䜙ᢤ䛔䛶 䛳䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䛯䛸䛘㟁 䜢 㻻㻲㻲 䛻䛧䛶䜒䚸㟁 䝁䞊䝗䜢᥋ 䛧䛯䜎䜎 ෆ䛾㒊ရ䜔䜿䞊䝤䝹䠋䝁䝛䜽 䝍䛻ゐ䜛䛸ឤ㟁䛧䛯䜚䚸䝅䝵䞊䝖䛻䜘䜚ⅆ 䜢 䛣䛧䛯䜚䛩䜛䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹䜎䛯䚸䛼䜜䛯ᡭ䛷ᮏ 䛾 ྲྀ䜚 䛡䞉ྲྀ䜚እ䛧䜢 䜟䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹ᨾ㞀䛩䜛䜀䛛䜚䛷䛺䛟䚸ឤ㟁䛩䜛䛚䛭䜜䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 䜔 䞉 㡢䛜䛧䛯䜎䜎 䛧䛺䛔㻌 㻌 䚸 䞉 䞉 㡢䛺䛹䛜 䛨䛯ሙྜ䛿䚸䛯䛰䛱䛻㟁 䜢 㻻㻲㻲 䛻䛧䛶㟁 䝁䞊䝗䜢䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛛䜙ᢤ䛔 䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䛭䛾ᚋ䚸䛚 䛔ồ䜑䛾 ᗑ䜎䛯䛿ಖᏲ䝃䞊䝡䝇 䛻䛤㐃 䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌...

Страница 6: ...䚸ྲྀ䜚እ䛧䛾㝿䛿䚸䛼䜜䛯ᡭ䛷ᮏయ 䛾㟁 䝁䞊䝗䛾ᢤ䛝ᕪ䛧䜢䛧䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥 䛔䚹ឤ㟁䛩䜛䛚䛭䜜䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 ᣦ ᣦᐃ௨እ䛾䜲䞁䝍䝣䜵䞊䝇䜿䞊䝤䝹䜢 䛧䛺䛔㻌 㻌 䜲䞁䝍䝣䜵䞊䝇䜿䞊䝤䝹䛿䚸ᣦᐃ䛩䜛䜒䛾䜢 䛧䚸᥋ 䛩䜛 䜔䝁䝛䜽䝍䜢 ㄆ䛧䛯ୖ䛷᥋ 䛧䛶䛟 䛰䛥䛔䚹ᣦᐃ௨እ䛾䜿䞊䝤䝹䜢 䛧䛯䜚䚸᥋ ඛ䜢ㄗ䛳䛯䜚䛩䜛䛸䚸䝅䝵䞊䝖䛻䜘䜚ឤ㟁䜔ⅆ 䜢 䛣 䛩䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 䜲䞁䝍䝣䜵䞊䝇䜿䞊䝤䝹䛾ྲྀ䜚ᢅ䛔䜔᥋ 䛻䛴䛔䛶ḟ䛾ὀព䜢䛚Ᏺ䜚䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 䞉 ᦆ䛧䛯䜿䞊䝤䝹䜢 䛧䛺䛔䚹㻌 䞉䜿䞊䝤䝹䜢 䜎䛺䛔㻌 䞉䜿䞊䝤䝹䛾ୖ䛻䜒䛾䜢 䛫䛺䛔㻌 䞉䜿䞊䝤䝹䜢ᨵ㐀䞉ຍᕤ䞉ಟ 䛧䛺䛔㻌 㻌 㻌 㣗ᛶ䜺䝇䛾Ꮡᅾ䛩䜛 ቃ䛷 䜎䛯䛿ಖ 䛧䛺䛔㻌 㻌 㣗ᛶ䜺䝇䠄 㓟 㯤䚸 Ỉ 䚸 㓟 䚸ሷ 䚸䜰䞁䝰䝙䜰䚸䜸䝌䞁䛺䛹䠅䛾Ꮡᅾ䛩䜛 ቃ䛻 タ 䛧䚸 䛧䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䜎䛯䚸䜋䛣䜚䜔 Ẽ 䛻 㣗䜢ಁ㐍䛩䜛ᡂศ䠄ሷ 䝘䝖...

Страница 7: ...ᖏ㟁ヰ䜔䠬䠤䠯䚸䝫䜿䝑䝖䝧䝹䛺䛹䜢 䛟䛷 䛧䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㟁Ἴ䛻䜘䜛ㄗືస䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜚䜎 䛩䚹㻌 㻌 ᮏ〇ရ䜢ⴠ䛸䛧䛯䜚 䛻䜆䛴䛡䛯䜚䛧䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚸ㄗືస䜔ᨾ㞀䛩䜛䛚䛭䜜䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 ᮏ 䛻グ 䛥䜜䛶䛔䜛ㄝ 䜢䜘䛟䛚ㄞ䜏䛻䛺䜚䚸ṇ䛧䛟ྲྀ䜚ᢅ䛳䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 ᮏయ 䛾 㻼㻯㻵 䝇䝻䝑䝖䛻䛖䜎䛟ᮏ〇ရ䜢ྲྀ䜚 䛡䜙䜜䛺䛔䛸䛝䛿䚸䛔䛳䛯䜣ᮏ〇ရ䜢ྲྀ䜚እ䛧䛶䛛䜙 ྲྀ䜚 䛡䛺䛚䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㐣ᗘ䛾ຊ䜢ຍ䛘䜛䛸 ᦆ䛩䜛䛚䛭䜜䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䛾䛷ὀព䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 ග䜿䞊䝤䝹䛿ᛴᓧ䛺 䛢䛸䛺䜙䛼䜘䛖䛻䝣䜷䞊䝭䞁䜾䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䜎䛯䚸䝯䞁䝔䝘䞁䝇䛾䛯䜑ᮏయ 䜢䝷䝑䜽䛛䜙ᘬ䛝ฟ䛩㝿䛿䚸ண䜑ᮏ〇ရ䛛䜙ග䜿䞊䝤䝹䜢ྲྀ䜚እ䛧䛶䛛䜙 䛳䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㼂㻯㻯㻵 䛻㛵䛩䜛 㻔㼒㼛㼞㻌㻶㼍㼜㼍㼚㻕㻌 䛣䛾 䛿䚸䜽䝷䝇䠝 ሗᢏ 䛷䛩䚹䛣䛾 䜢ᐙᗞ ቃ䛷 䛩䜛䛸㟁Ἴጉᐖ䜢ᘬ䛝 䛣䛩䛣䛸䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹䛣䛾ሙྜ䛻䛿...

Страница 8: ... ษ䛻ಖ 䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹ᮏ〇 ရ䛾 タ䛾㝿䛿ᚲ䛪ᮏ 䜒 䛻 タ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 ᮏ 䛿䚸㼃㼕㼚㼐㼛㼣㼟 䛺䛹䛾䜸䝨䝺䞊䝔䜱䞁䜾䝅䝇䝔䝮䜔䜻䞊䝪䞊䝗䚸䝬䜴䝇䛸䛔䛳䛯 ⓗ䛺ධฟຊ 䛺䛹䛾ᇶᮏⓗ䛺ྲྀ䜚ᢅ䛔䛻䛴䛔䛶 ศ䛺 䜢ᣢ䛳䛯䝴䞊䝄䜢ᑐ 䛸䛧䛶グ 䛥䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 ᮏᩥ 䛾グྕ㻌 ᮏᩥ 䛷䛿ḟ䛾 㻟 䛴䛾グྕ䜢 䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹䛭䜜䛮䜜䛾ព 䜢 䛧䜎䛩䚹㻔䛂Ᏻ 䛻䛛䛛䜟䜛 䛃䛻䛴 䛔䛶䛿 㻝 䝨䞊䝆䜢䛤ཧ 䛟䛰䛥䛔㻕㻌 ᮏ〇ရ䜢ྲྀ䜚ᢅ䛖ୖ䛷Ᏺ䜙䛺䛡䜜䜀䛺䜙䛺䛔 䜔 䛻ὀព䛩䜉䛝Ⅼ䜢 䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 ᮏ〇ရ䜢ྲྀ䜚ᢅ䛖ୖ䛷 ㄆ䛧䛶䛚䛟ᚲせ䛜䛒䜛Ⅼ䜢 䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 䛳䛶䛚䛟䛸ᙺ䛻 䛴 ሗ䜔䚸 䛺䛣䛸䛺䛹䜢 䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 㔜せ 剓刼剁削 剝副剖 ...

Страница 9: ...䛔䚹㻌 㻌 䜈䛾ㆡΏ䛻䛴䛔䛶㻌 㻌 ᮏ〇ရ䜢 䛻ㆡΏ䠄䜎䛯䛿 䠅䛩䜛 䛻䛿䚸ᚲ䛪ᮏ 䜢ྵ䜐 䛶䛾ῧ ရ䜢䛒䜟䛫䛶ㆡΏ䠄䜎䛯䛿 䠅䛧䛶 䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 䝋䝣䝖䜴䜵䜰䛻㛵䛧䛶䛿䚸ㆡΏ䛧䛯ഃ䛿 ษ䛾 〇 䜢ᡤ 䛧䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䜎䛯䚸䜲䞁䝇䝖䞊䝹䛧䛯 䛛䜙๐㝖䛧 䛯ᚋ䚸ㆡΏ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 䛻䛴䛔䛶㻌 㻌 ᮏ〇ရ䜢 䛩䜛㝿䛿䚸䛂㻞㻚ᵓᡂရ䛃䜢ཧ 䛻ᮏయ 䛛䜙ᮏ〇ရ䜢ྲྀ䜚ฟ䛧䚸ᮏ〇ရ䛸䛩䜉䛶䛾ῧ ရ䜢 ධ 䛾 Ვໟ 䛻ධ䜜䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 䝕䞊䝍䛾ಖ 䛻䛴䛔䛶㻌 㻌 䜸䝨䝺䞊䝍䛾 స䝭䝇䚸 ᧁ䜔 ᗘኚ 䛻䜘䜛 䛾ᨾ㞀䛻䜘䛳䛶䝕䞊䝍䛜ኻ䜟䜜䜛ྍ ᛶ䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹 䛻 ഛ䛘䛶䚸䝝䞊䝗䝕䜱䝇䜽䝗䝷䜲䝤䛻ಖᏑ䛥䜜䛶䛔䜛 ษ䛺䝕䞊䝍䛿䚸ᐃᮇⓗ䛻䝞䝑䜽䜰䝑䝥䜢 䛳䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 ᗫᲠ䛻䛴䛔䛶㻌 㻌 ᮏ〇ရ䛾ᗫᲠ䛻䛴䛔䛶䛿䚸ྛ య䛾ᗫᲠ䝹䞊䝹䛻ᚑ䛳䛶ศูᗫᲠ䛧䛶ୗ䛥䛔䚹ヲ䛧䛟䛿䚸ྛ య䛻䛚ၥ䛔ྜ䜟 䛫ୗ䛥...

Страница 10: ...㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻌㻝㻟 㻠㻚䜲䞁䝇䝖䞊䝹㻌 㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻌㻝㻠 㻠㻙㻝㻚䝤䝷䜿䝑䝖䛾 14 㻠㻙㻞㻚ᮏ〇ရ䛾ྲྀ䜚 䛡 15 㻠㻙㻟㻚㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䛾ྲྀ䜚 䛡 16 㻠㻙㻠㻚䜿䞊䝤䝹䛾ྲྀ䜚 䛡 16 㻠㻙㻡㻚ྲྀ䜚እ䛧 17 㻡㻚䝗䝷䜲䝞䝋䝣䝖䜴䜵䜰䛾䜲䞁䝇䝖䞊䝹㻌 㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚...

Страница 11: ...䛩䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 ᘢ 䛜ᣦᐃ䛩䜛ᮏయ ௨እ䛿᥋ 䛧䛺䛔䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 ᥋ ྍ 䛺ᮏయ 䛻䛴䛔䛶䛿䚸ᮏ〇ရ䜢 ධ䛥䜜䛯 ᗑ䜎䛯䛿ಖᏲ䝃䞊䝡䝇 䛻䛚ၥ䛔ྜ䜟䛫䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 ග䜲䞁䝍䝣䜵䞊䝇䛸䛧䛶䛾㻌 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䛿㻌 㻺㻤㻝㻜㻠㻙㻣㻝㻞㻥㻌 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹㻔㻝㻜㻳㻙㻿㻾㻕䜢 䛚 䛔䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 ᮏ〇ရ䜢ྲྀ䜚 䛡䜛๓䛻䚸ᮏయ 䛾ྲྀᢅㄝ 䜢ཧ 䛧䛶䚸ྲྀ䜚 䛡ྍ 䛺 㻼㻯㻵㻙㻱㼤㼜㼞㼑㼟㼟㼹䝇䝻䝑䝖䜢 ㄆ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 z 㻿㻲㻼 䝇䝻䝑䝖㻌 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䜎䛯䛿㻌 㻰㻭㻌 䜿䞊䝤䝹䜢᥋ 䛩䜛䝇䝻䝑䝖䛷䛩䚹ᮏ〇ရ䛷䛿ග䜲䞁䝍䝣䜵䞊䝇䛸䛧䛶㻌 㻺㻤㻝㻜㻠㻙㻣㻝㻞㻥㻌㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹㻔㻝㻜㻳㻙㻿㻾㻕㻔ู 㻕䛾᥋ 䜢䝃䝫䞊䝖䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 ᴾ 㻌 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䛾ྲྀ䜚ᢅ䛔䛻䛴䛔䛶䛿㻌 㻺㻤㻝㻜㻠㻙㻣㻝㻞㻥㻌 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹㻔㻝㻜㻳㻙㻿㻾㻕䛾ྲྀᢅ ㄝ 䜢ཧ 䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 ᴾ ...

Страница 12: ...㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 Ვໟ 䛻䛿ḟ䛾䜒䛾䛜ධ䛳䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹 䚸 䜔 ᦆ䛧䛶䛔䜛䜒䛾䛜䛒䜚䜎䛧䛯䜙䚸ᘢ ᢸᙜႠᴗ䚸䜒䛧䛟 䛿ᮏ〇ရ䜢 ධ䛥䜜䛯 ᗑ䛻䛤㐃 䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 ရྡ㻌 ᩘ㔞㻌 ഛ 㻌 㻝㻜㻳㻮㻭㻿㻱 ᥋ ᇶᮏ䝪䞊䝗㻔㻿㻲㻼㻗㻛㻞㼏㼔㻕㻌 㻝㻌 䝻䞊䝥䝻䝣䜯䜲䝹 㻼㻯㻵 䝤䝷䜿䝑䝖 㻌 䝣䝹䝝䜲䝖 㻼㻯㻵 䝤䝷䜿䝑䝖㻌 㻝㻌 㻌 䝴䞊䝄䞊䝈䜺䜲䝗㻌 㻝㻌 ᮏ 㻌 ಖド 㻌 㻝㻌 ฟⲴ 䛿ῧ 䛥䜜䜎䛫䜣䚹㻌 ᮏయ 䛾ಖド 䛻グ 䛥䜜䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 ...

Страница 13: ...䛔䛶䛿䚸ୗグ䜢ཧ 䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 㻸㻱㻰㻌 㻸㻱㻰 Ⰽ㻌 䝟䝍䞊䞁㻌 ែ㻌 㻸㼕㼚㼗㻌 㻳㼞㼑㼑㼚㻌 Ⅼⅉ㻌 㻝㻜㻳 䛷 㻸㼕㼚㼗 㻌 㼅㼑㼘㼘㼛㼣㻌 Ⅼⅉ㻌 㻝㻳 䛷 㻸㼕㼚㼗 㻌 㻻㻲㻲㻌 ᾘⅉ㻌 㻸㼕㼚㼗 㠀 㻌 㻭㻯㼀㻌 㻳㼞㼑㼑㼚㻌 Ⅼⅉ㻔Ⅼ 㻕㻌 ಙ Ⅼⅉ㻌 㻻㻲㻲㻌 ᾘⅉ㻌 㻌 䈜䛔䛪䜜䛾䝷䞁䝥䜒ᮏయ 㟁 䛜 㻻㻲㻲 䛾ሙྜ䛿ᾘⅉ䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 ᖖ䜢 ฟ䛧䛯ሙྜ䛿䚸ḟ䛾䛣䛸䜢 ᗘ䛤 ㄆ䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹 䞉ᮏ〇ရ䛿䛧䛳䛛䜚ᕪ䛧 䜎䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䛛䠛㻌 䞉㻸㻭㻺 ᶵჾ䛾᥋ 䛿 ᐇ䛻 䛺䜟䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䛛䠛㻌 㻌 㻌 㻸㻱㻰 䛜ぢ䛻䛟䛔ሙྜ䚸ぢ䜛ゅᗘ䜢䛛䛘䛶 ㄆ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔㻌 㻌 㻔㻠㻕 㻿㻲㻼 䝁䝛䜽䝍㻌 㻔㻼㻻㻾㼀㻌㻝㻛㻞㻕㻌 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䜎䛯䛿㻌 㻰㻭 䜿䞊䝤䝹䜢᥋ 䛩䜛䝇䝻䝑䝖䛷䛩䚹㻌 ᮏ〇ရ䛷䛿ග䜲䞁䝍䝣䜵䞊䝇䛸䛧䛶 㻺㻤㻝㻜㻠㻙㻣㻝㻞㻥㻌㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹㻔㻝㻜㻳...

Страница 14: ...㻌 㻔䝅䝵䞊䝖㻕䝃䜲䝈䛾䝤䝷䜿䝑䝖䛜ྲྀ䜚 䛡䜙䜜䛶䛚䜚䚸䜎䛯䝣䝹䝝䜲䝖㻔䝇䝍䞁䝎䞊 䝗㻕䝃䜲䝈䛾䝤䝷䜿䝑䝖䜒ῧ 䛥䜜䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹䛚 䛔䛾ᮏయ 䛾ᦚ ඛ䝇䝻䝑䝖䛾ᙧ 䛻ྜ䜟䛫䛶䝤䝷䜿䝑䝖䜢 䛷䛝䜎䛩䚹ᚲせ䛻ᛂ䛨䛶䚸ୗグ䛾ᡭ㡰䜢ཧ 䛧䛶䝤䝷䜿䝑䝖䜢 䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 Ძ㻚 䝤䝷䜿䝑䝖䜢ྲྀ䜚 䛡䛶䛔䜛䝛䝆䠎ᮏ䜢እ䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 Წ㻚 䝤䝷䜿䝑䝖䜢ྲྀ䜚እ䛧䚸ῧ 䛾䝤䝷䜿䝑䝖䜢䝉䝑䝖䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 Ჭ㻚 䠍䛷እ䛧䛯䝛䝆䜢 䛳䛶䝤䝷䜿䝑䝖䜢ᅛᐃ䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 䝤䝷䜿䝑䝖䜢 䛩䜛䛸䛝䛿 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䜔䠠䠝䜿䞊䝤䝹䛿ྲྀ䜚እ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥 䛔䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 䝛䝆㻌 䠎ᮏ㻌 剝副剖 ...

Страница 15: ...䛸᥋ゐ Ⰻ䜢 䛣䛧䚸Ⓨ 䜔Ⓨⅆ䛾ཎᅉ䛸䛺䜛䛚䛭䜜䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 Ძ㻚 ᮏయ 䛾㟁 䛜 㻻㻲㻲㻔㻼㻻㼃㻱㻾 䝷䞁䝥ᾘⅉ㻕䛻䛺䛳䛶䛔䜛䛣䛸䜢 ㄆ䛧䚸㟁 䝥䝷䜾䜢䝁䞁䝉䞁䝖䛛䜙 ᘬ䛝ᢤ䛝䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 ᮏయ 䛾㟁 䛜 㻻㻺㻔㻼㻻㼃㻱㻾 䝷䞁䝥Ⅼⅉ㻕䛻䛺䛳䛶䛔䜛ሙྜ䛿䚸ྛ䜸䝨䝺䞊䝔䜱䞁 䜾䝅䝇䝔䝮䛾㟁 㻻㻲㻲 䛾ฎ 䜢 䛳䛯ᚋ䚸ᮏయ 䛾㟁 䜢 㻻㻲㻲 䛻䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 Წ㻚 ᮏయ 䛾䝴䞊䝄䞊䝈䜺䜲䝗䛻ᚑ䛳䛶ᮏయ 䛾䜹䝞䞊䜔㒊ရ䜢ྲྀ䜚እ䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 Ჭ㻚 ᮏయ 䛾䝴䞊䝄䞊䝈䜺䜲䝗䛻ᚑ䛳䛶 㻼㻯㻵 䝇䝻䝑䝖䜈ᮏ〇ရ䜢ྲྀ䜚 䛡䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 ᮏ〇ရ䜢ᮏయ 䛻ᦚ 䛩䜛๓䛻䚸ᮏ〇ရ䛾 㻿㻲㻼 䝇䝻䝑䝖䛛䜙䚸䛂㻺㻤㻝㻜㻠㻙㻣㻝㻞㻥㻌 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹㻔㻝㻜㻳㻙㻿㻾㻕䛃䜎䛯䛿䛂䝇䝻䝑䝖䜹䝞䞊䛃䜢እ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻼㻯㻵㻌㻱㼤㼜㼞㼑㼟㼟 䜹䞊䝗䛾ྲྀ䜚 䛡䞉ྲྀ䜚እ䛧᪉ἲ䚸㻼...

Страница 16: ...䛾ྲྀ䜚 䛡㻌 㻌 Ძ㻚 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䛛䜙ಖㆤ䜻䝱䝑䝥䜢ྲྀ䜚እ䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 ྲྀ䜚እ䛧䛯ಖㆤ䜻䝱䝑䝥䛿 ษ䛻ಖ 䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 Წ㻚 䜿䞊䝤䝹䜢ᤄධ䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 䝁䝛䜽䝍䛾᥋Ⅼ㒊ศ䛜ở䜜䛶䛔䛺䛔䛣䛸䜢 ㄆ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔㻌 㻌 㻌 ᮏయ 䛾ᦚ 䝇䝻䝑䝖䛻䜘䛳䛶䛿䜿䞊䝤䝹 䛻䜲䝆䜵䜽䝖䝷䝑䝏䜢 ᦆ䛩䜛ᜍ 䜜䛜䛒䜚䜎䛩䚹䛭䛾ሙྜ䛿ᮏయ 䛾 䛸ᖸ 䛧䛺䛔䜘䛖䛻䜲䝆䜵䜽䝖䝷䝑䝏䜢ᢲ䛥 䛘䛯䜎䜎䛷䜹䝏䝑䛸䜿䞊䝤䝹䛜ᅛᐃ䛥䜜䜛䜎䛷䛧䛳䛛䜚ᢲ䛧 䜣䛷䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹䜲䝆䜵䜽 䝖䝷䝑䝏䜢ᢲ䛥䛘䛵䜙䛔 䛿䝬䜲䝘䝇䛾䝗䝷䜲䝞䛺䛹䜢 䛔䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㔜せ 㔜せ 剓刼剁削 㔜せ ...

Страница 17: ...䚹㻌 䜿䞊䝤䝹䛾䜲䝆䜵䜽䝖䝷䝑䝏䜢ᢲ䛥䛘䛺䛜䜙㻌 䜿䞊䝤䝹䜢ᘬ䛝ᢤ䛝䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 䜿䞊䝤䝹䛾䜲䝆䜵䜽䝖䝷䝑䝏䜢ᢲ䛥䛘䛵䜙䛔ሙྜ䛿䚸䝬䜲䝘䝇䛾䝗䝷䜲䝞䛺䛹䛷䜲䝆䜵 䜽䝖䝷䝑䝏䜢ᢲ䛥䛘䛺䛜䜙䚸䜿䞊䝤䝹䜢ᘬ䛝ᢤ䛔䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 Წ㻚 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䜢ྲྀ䜚እ䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻝㻚㻌 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䛾䝺䝞䞊䜢ᡭ๓䛻ಽ䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻞㻚㻌 㻿㻲㻼 䝇䝻䝑䝖䛛䜙 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䜢䜎䛳䛩䛠㻌 ᘬ䛝ฟ䛧䜎䛩㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 ྲྀ䜚እ䛧䛯 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䛻䛿ಖ 䛧䛶䛔䛯ಖㆤ䜻䝱䝑䝥䜢ྲྀ䜚 䛡䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 Ჭ㻚 ᮏయ 䛛䜙䝪䞊䝗䜢ྲྀ䜚እ䛧䜎䛩䚹㻌 ᮏయ 䛾 㻻㻿 䜢䝅䝱䝑䝖䝎䜴䞁䛧䚸㟁 䜢 㻻㻲㻲 䛻䛧䛶䛛䜙䚸㻭㻯 䝁䞊䝗䜢ᢤ䛔䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 ヲ 䛿ᮏయ 䛾ྲྀᢅㄝ 䜢ཧ 䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㔜せ 㔜せ ...

Страница 18: ...䝑䝖䛃䜎䛯䛿䚸6WDUWHU3DFN 䛜㐺 䛥䜜䛶䛔䛺䛔ሙྜ䛿㐺 䛧䚸 1 䝗䝷䜲䝞䞊䜢䜲䞁䝇䝖䞊䝹䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹 䕕 LQGRZV 6HUYHU 䛾ሙྜ ᮏయ 䛻ῧ 䛥䜜䛶䛔䜛 35 66 8 5 ෆ䛾 6WDUWHU3DFN 䛜㐺 䛥䜜䛶䛔䜛ሙྜ䚸ᮏ〇ရ䜢ྲྀ䜚 䛡䛯ᚋ䛻 26 䜢 ື䛩䜛䛸䚸䝥䝷䜾䜰䞁䝗䝥䝺䜲ᶵ 䛜ືస䛧䚸 ື䛷 1 䝗䝷䜲䝞䞊䛜䜲䞁䝇䝖䞊䝹䛥䜜䜎 䛩䚹 6WDUWHU3DFN 䛜㐺 䛥䜜䛶䛔䛺䛔ሙྜ䛿㐺 䛧䚸 1 䝗䝷䜲䝞䞊䜢䜲䞁䝇䝖䞊䝹䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹 LQX 䚸䛭䛾 26 䛾䝗䝷䜲䝞䞊䜲䞁䝇䝖䞊䝹ᡭ㡰 䝗䝷䜲䝞䇷䜲䞁䝇䝖䞊䝹ᡭ㡰䛻䛴䛔䛶䚸䝃䝫䞊䝖 26 䛾䜲䞁䝇䝖䝺䞊䝅䝵䞁䜺䜲䝗䜢ཧ 䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹 㻌 ᮏ〇ရ䜢ᮏయ 䛻ྲྀ䜚 䛡䛯 ែ䛷䜲䞁䝇䝖䞊䝹䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 1 䝗䝷䜲䝞䞊䛻㛵䛩䜛 స䛿䚸ᚲ䛪ᮏయ 䛻᥋ 䛥䜜䛯䝁䞁䝋䞊䝹䛛䜙 ᶒ㝈 GPLQLVWUDWRU U...

Страница 19: ...㻔䜎㻌 䛯 䛿䜽䝸䝑䝥㻕䛷䝪䞊䝗䛜䛧䛳䛛䜚䛸ᅛᐃ䛥䜜䛶䛔䜛䛣䛸䜢 ㄆ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 ヱᙜ䛩䜛ሙྜ䛿䚸ྲྀ䜚 䛡䛺 䛚䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 䕕㻌 㻼 㻼㻯㻵㻙㻱㼤㼜㼞㼑㼟㼟㼹䝁䝛䜽䝍䛺䛹ᮏయ ഃ䛻 ᖖ䛿䛺䛔䛛㻌 ᮏయ 䛾㻌㻼㻯㻵㻙㻱㼤㼜㼞㼑㼟㼟㼹䝁䝛䜽䝍䜢 ㄆ䛧䚸 ΰධ䜔㒊ရ ᦆ䛜䛺䛔䛛 ㄆ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 㒊ရ ᦆ 䛒䜛ሙྜ䛿ᮏ〇ရ䜢䛚 䛔ồ䜑䛾 ᗑ䜎䛯䛿ಖᏲ䝃䞊䝡䝇 䛻㐃 䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 䕕㻌 ᮏయ 䛾㻌㻮㻵㻻㻿㻌䛾䝞䞊䝆䝵䞁䛿㐺ษ䛛㻌 㻮㻵㻻㻿㻌䛾䝞䞊䝆䝵䞁䛜㐺ษ䛛 ㄆ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 ᪂䛾 㻮㻵㻻㻿 䛷 ㄆ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 䝪䞊䝗䜢 ㄆ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔㻌 㻌 䕕㻌 䝪䞊䝗䛜 ᦆ䛧䛶䛔䛺䛔䛛㻌 䝪䞊䝗䛾ᐇ 㒊ရ䛜 ᦆ䛧䛶䛔䛺䛔䛛 ㄆ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 ᦆ䛧䛶䛔䜛ሙྜ䛿ᮏ〇ရ䜢䛚 䛔 ồ䜑䛾 ᗑ䜎䛯䛿ಖᏲ䝃䞊䝡䝇 䛻㐃 䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 䕕㻌 䝪䞊䝗ᐇ 㒊ရ䛻 䛜ධ䜚 䜣䛷䛔䛺䛔䛛㻌 䝪...

Страница 20: ...㻌 ග䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䛸䛧䛶 㻺㻤㻝㻜㻠㻙㻣㻝㻞㻥 ௨እ䛾㻌㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䜢 䛧䛶䛔䛺䛔䛛㻌 㻺㻤㻝㻜㻠㻙㻣㻝㻞㻥 䜢 䛧䛶䛔䜛䛣䛸䜢 ㄆ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹 䛧䛶䛔䛺䛔ሙྜ䛿ືసಖドᑐ እ䛸䛺䜚䜎䛩䚹㻌 䕕㻌 㻿 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䛿ዟ䜎䛷ᕪ䛧 䜎䜜䛶䛔䜛䛛㻌 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䛾᥋ ἣ䜢 ㄆ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䛿䝺䝞䞊䜢䛚䜝䛥䛪䛻䝇䝻䝑䝖䛻ᤄධ 䛧䜎䛩䚹ṇ䛧䛟ᤄධ䛷䛝䛯㝿䛻䛿䛂䜹䝏䝑䛃䛸㻌 㡢䛜䛧䜎䛩䛾䛷 ㄆ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 䕕㻌 㻿 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䛾ග䝁䝛䜽䝍ෆ㒊䛻ሻᇕ䛜 䛧䛶䛔䛺䛔䛛㻌 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䛾Ⓨග㻛ཷග㒊䛻ሻᇕ䛜 䛧䛶䛔䛺䛔䛛 ㄆ䛧䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 ྲྀ䜚㝖䛡䜛ሙྜ䛿ྲྀ䜚 㝖䛔䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 ㄆసᴗ䛿䛛䛺䜙䛪㻌 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹䜢ྲྀ䜚እ䛧䛶䛛䜙 䛳䛶䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 ග 䜢 ど䛧䛺䛔㻌 㻌 㻺㻤㻝㻜㻠㻙㻣㻝㻞㻥㻌㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹...

Страница 21: ...ἨἽỆếẟề 㻺㻤㻝㻜㻠㻙㻣㻝㻞㻥㻌 㻿㻲㻼㻗䝰䝆䝳䞊䝹㻔㻝㻜㻳㻙㻿㻾㻕䛿 㻵㻱㻱㻱㻤㻜㻞㻚㻟㼍㼑 つ᱁䛻 ᣐ䛧䛯 㻝㻜㻳㻮㻭㻿㻱㻙㻿㻾 䜲䞁䝍䝣䜵䞊䝇䜢ᣢ䛱䚸㻤㻡㻜㼚㼙㻌 䛾Ἴ㛗䜢 䛧䛶㻹㻹㻲㻔䝬䝹䝏䝰䞊䝗䝣䜯䜲䝞㻕䜿䞊䝤䝹㓄 䜢 䛧䛶䛾㻝㻜㻳㼎㼜㼟㻛 㔜 ಙ䜢㻌 䝃䝫䞊䝖䛧䛶䛔䜎䛩䚹㻌 㻹㻹㻲 䜿䞊䝤䝹䛿௨ୗ䛾 ᵝ䛾䜒䛾䜢䛚 䛔䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻿㻹㻲㻔䝅䞁䜾䝹䝰䞊䝗䝣䜯䜲䝞㻕䜿䞊䝤䝹䛿 䛷䛝䜎䛫䜣䚹㻌 䝁 䝛䜽䝍䝍䜲䝥䠄ᙧ 䠅䛜 㻸㻯 䝍䜲䝥䛾䜿䞊䝤䝹䜢䛚 䛔䛟䛰䛥䛔䚹㻌 䝁䜰㻛䜽䝷䝑䝗ᚄ㻌 䝰䞊䝗ᖏᇦ㻌 㻔ఏ ᖏᇦᖜ㻕㻌 䝍䜲䝥㻌 䜿䞊䝤䝹㛗㻌 㻡㻜㻛㻝㻞㻡䃛㼙㻌 㻠㻜㻜㻹㻴㼦䞉㼗㼙㻌 㻻㻹㻙㻞㻌 㻞䡚㻢㻢㻌㼙㻌 㻡㻜㻜㻹㻴㼦䞉㼗㼙㻌 㻻㻹㻙㻞㻌 㻞䡚㻤㻞㻌㼙㻌 㻞㻜㻜㻜㻹㻴㼦䞉㼗㼙㻌 㻻㻹㻙㻟㻌 㻞䡚㻟㻜㻜㻌㼙㻌 㻢㻞㻚㻡㻛㻝㻞㻡䃛㼙㻌 㻝㻢㻜㻹㻴㼦䞉㼗㼙㻌 㻻㻹㻙㻝㻌 㻞䡚㻞㻢㻌㼙㻌 ...

Страница 22: ... ...

Страница 23: before handling this product If you have any problem when using this product use this manual for your help Keep this manual at hand for quick reference at any time necessary For the server on which this product is to be mounted refer to the User s Guide provided with the server Be sure to read Notes on Use and Handling Precautions before handling this product 127 Read this manual carefully befo...

Страница 24: ... 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 Notes 㻌 1 No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of NEC Corporation 2 This manual might be revised without any announcement in the near future 3 The contents of this manual shall not be copied or altered without the prior written permission of NEC Corporation 4 All efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of all inf...

Страница 25: ...Indicates the presence of a hazard that may cause minor personal injury including burns or property damage if the instruction is ignored Precautions and notices against hazards are presented with one of the following three symbols The individual symbols are defined as follows 㻌 Attention This symbol indicates the presence of a hazard if the instruction is ignored An image in the symbol illustrates...

Страница 26: ...s or fire Prohibited Actions Indicates a general prohibited action that cannot be specifically identified Do not disassemble repair or modify the product Otherwise an electric shock or fire may be caused Do not touch the product with wet hand Otherwise an electric shock may be caused Mandatory Action Indicates a mandatory action that cannot be specifically identified Make sure to follow the instru...

Страница 27: ...e power plug before working with the product Make sure to power off the product and disconnect the power plug from a power outlet before installing removing this product Touching any internal component or cable connector with its power cord connected to a power source may cause an electric shock or a fire due to short circuit even if the product is off powered Also make sure that your hands are no...

Страница 28: ...authorized interface cable Use only the interface cable specified for the product Make sure the connector type and connect with correct destination Improper cable connection could cause electric shock or fire due to short circuit Also observe the following precautions when handling or connecting the interface cable Do not use the damaged cable Do not step on the cable Do not place any object on th...

Страница 29: ...nic components with your bare hand or place the product directly on the desk Be sure to turn off the cell phone or PHS near the product Electric waves from such devices can cause product to malfunction Do not drop the product Doing so may cause malfunction and failure Read carefully the description in this Guide to handle the product properly If you feel difficult to install this product in PCI sl...

Страница 30: ...N ICES 3 A NMB 3 A CE Statement This is a Class A product In domestic environment this product may cause radio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures EN55022 Disposing of your used product In the European Union EU wide legislation as implemented in each Member State requires that used electrical and electronic products carrying the mark left must be disposed ...

Страница 31: ...he user who has the sufficient knowledge on operating system such Windows handling of general I O device such as keyboard and mouse Notations used in the text In addition to safety related symbols urging caution 3 other types of notations are used in this document These notations have the following meanings Important Indicates critical items that must be followed when handling this product Note In...

Страница 32: ...must not retain any backup copies In addition be sure to uninstall it before transfer 㻌 Service Life The service life of this product is five years from the date of production Consult with your sales agent or service representative for details 㻌 Transportation To transport this product remove the product from the server and pack the product and all accessories in a carton box 㻌 㻌 Storage of Data D...

Страница 33: ...㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻌㻟㻢 4 Setup㻌 㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻚㻌㻟㻣 4 1 Selecting and Mounting Bracket 37 4 2 Installing the Product 38 4 3 Installation SFP Module 39 4 4 Connecting the Network Cable 39 4 5 Removal ...

Страница 34: ...upports PCI EXPRESS 2 0 x8 lane This product can be installed in PCI slot of full height type by replacing the bracket Important Use only the server authorized by NEC Ask your service representative for the available server z SFP slot These slot connects SFP module or DA cable Supports N8104 7129 SFP module 10G SR Separate sale ᴾ Note Please refer to instructions guide for a handling person of N81...

Страница 35: ...owing components If you find missing or damaged component contact your sales representative Name Q ty Remarks 10GBASE Adapter SFP 2ch 1 Equipped with low profile PCI bracket Full height PCI bracket 1 Document 1 This guide Warranty 1 Only use in Japan ...

Страница 36: ...o types of LEDs ACT LINK are provided on each port port 1 2 See the table below for LED indication LED COLOR Indicate pattern ែ Link Green On 10G Link Yellow On 1G Link OFF Off Not Link ACT Green On Blinking Communicating OFF Off Important If a failure was detected make sure the followings Check if this product is firmly inserted Check if Lan device is properly connected Tips When an LED is indist...

Страница 37: ...t of full height type you need to replace the bracket with full height one 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 1 Two screws at which a bracket is held are removed 2 Bracket is exchanged 3 Bracket is fixed by a screw 㻌 㻌 Tips When exchanging Bracket please remove SFP Module and DA cable Important Keep the removed bracket for future use Screw㻌 2p ...

Страница 38: ... the product firmly Connect the product with PCI slot securely Loose connection may cause fumes or fire Ძ After making sure that the server is off powered POWER LED is unlit pull the power plug out from power outlet Important If the server is powered on POWER LED is lit shutdown the operating system and turn off the server Წ Remove the cover and other components from server in accordance with the ...

Страница 39: ...from SFP module 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 Important Keep the removed Dust Cover 㻌 㻌 㻌 Ხ Connecting the Network Cable 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 㻌 Important Depending on a server especially rack mountable type a latch may break at the time of cable attachment and detachment In that case please press down a cable latch portion not to get stuck in the edge of the server chassis and push in firmly until heard clicking sound and a c...

Страница 40: ...FP module is removed Ძ Remove the Cables Pull the cable with pressing down the latch of the cable Important Please use a driver etc when you are hard to press down a latch Წ Remove the SFP module 1 Flip down the Lever of the SFP module 2 Remove the module from the slot toward to the arrow Important Attach the dust cover to the SFP module The cover has been kept Ჭ Remove the adapter from the server...

Страница 41: ...erver 2012 If you already applied StarterPack When you start the operating system after installing this product LAN driver will be installed automatically by the plug and play feature of the operating system If StarterPack is not applied please apply the StarterPack 2 㻌 Driver Installation for Linux or other OS Refer to the installation guide for your operating system Important Install the card to...

Страница 42: ... has not entered If it is so Please contact to reseller sales agents or service representative š Verify that your server is using the Latest BIOS Check the version of the system BIOS If the version is not proper Update the system BIOS to latest version Check the adapter š Make sure the adapter is not broken Check the component on the adapter If it has broken please contact to reseller sales agents...

Страница 43: ...hear a click sound š Check the cable contact of the SFP module If it is any dust sticks remove the dust or clean the cable contact Important Please work after removing SFP from a slot Do not look directly into the laser beam The N8104 7129 SFP module 10G SR is classified as a Class 1 Laser Product A class 1 laser will not be harmful to the human body However do not look directly into the LAN port ...

Страница 44: ...Cables N8104 7129 SFP module 10G SR has an optical fiber interface based on IEEE802 3ae 10Gigabit Ethernet standard The 10GbE SR standard enables 10GbE and full duplex transmissions at distances up to 300 meters using standard multi mode fiber MMF 850nm wave length cabling Supported MMF cable listed below Connector type LC core clad diameter Modal bandwidth Type Cable length ȝP 400MHz km OM 2 2 66...

Страница 45: ...GBASE ᥋ ᇶᮏ䝪䞊䝗 SFP 2ch 䝴䞊䝄䞊䝈䜺䜲䝗 10GBASE Adapter SFP 2ch User s Guide 2015 ᖺ 4 㻌 ึ April 2015 First Edition 㻌 ᮏ㻌 㟁㻌 Ẽ㻌 ᰴ㻌 ᘧ㻌 㻌 ᮾி㒔 Ⱚ 䠓 䠍ྕ TEL 03 3454 1111 䠄 ௦ 䠅 NEC Corporation 5 7 1 Shiba Minato Ku Tokyo 108 8001 Japan TEL 03 3454 1111 Main ...

Страница 46: ... 855 901071 001 A ...
