Multiple Directory Numbers
Multiple Directory Numbers allow you to have more than one exten-
sion number. In addition to your "normal" extension number (e.g.,
320), you can have additional "virtual" extension numbers on Multiple
Directory Number function keys. For example, you can have virtual
extension number 600 for your sales calls. When a call routes to 600,
it goes to your Multiple Directory Number key assigned to virtual
extension 600. In this way, you can easily tell calls to your extension
from sales-specific calls. Check with your Communications Manager
to see if you have any Multiple Directory Number keys.
Call Coverage
Use a Multiple Directory Number key assigned to a co-worker's exten-
sion when you need Call Coverage for their calls. The Multiple
Directory Number key shows you when your co-worker is busy and
flashes slowly when they have an incoming call. You can even press
the key to intercept the incoming call.
Place and Receive Calls on Call Coverage/Multiple
Directory Number Keys
Multiple Directory Number keys/Call Coverage keys can be used
three separate ways, depending on how the key is set up in system
a DSS key to the extension and for receiving incoming calls
answering incoming calls with the ability to place outgoing ICM
or CO calls
just for receiving incoming calls
You can have Multiple Directory Number keys for many different
extensions and virtual extensions. In addition, you and other co-work-
ers can share the same Multiple Directory Number keys. For example,
everyone in your department could have a key for the sales virtual
extension. Your Multiple Directory Number keys can ring or not ring.
Your Communications Manager can tell you how your keys are set up.
Multiple Directory Numbers/Call Coverage
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