Line Preference determines how you place and answer calls. There
are two types of Line Preference: Incoming Line Preference and
Outgoing Line Preference. Ask your Communications Manager which
type you have.
Incoming Line Preference sets how you
answer calls. When a call rings your phone,
lifting the handset answers either the ringing
call (Ringing Line Preference) or seizes an idle
line (Idle Line Preference). If you primarily
answer calls and seldom place calls, Ringing
Line Preference is for you. If you normally
place calls and seldom answer them, then Idle
Line Preference is for you.
Outgoing Line Preference sets how you place
calls. With Outgoing Intercom Line
Preference, you hear Intercom dial tone when
you lift the handset. With Outgoing Trunk Line
Preference, you get dial tone on an outside
line when you lift the handset. If you normally
call co-workers, use Outgoing Intercom Line
Preference. If you frequently call outside your
company, use Outgoing Trunk Line
If you have Incoming Idle Line Preference,
Outgoing Line Preference also determines how
your phone works as a call rings.
Line Preference
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