© 2022
Passion Radio / NEBRA
Configuring Nebra ROCK Pi Indoor Hotspot
To configure your Hotspot, you will require the Helium Network application installed on a Mobile Phone,
and for you to have gone through the account setup process to continue.
For the best results, Nebra Hotspots require some ports to be port forwarded on your network. Please
check our
Ready to connect nebra hotspot
Helium application with account.
Step 1:
Open the Helium application and login, then press
+ Add a Hotspot
Step 2:
Next click Set up Hotspot, from here you will want to select Nebra Indoor Hotspot.
Step 3:
Place your hotspot in appropriate location, please reffer
Step 4:
Accept diagnostics permission , This will allow
Nebra Ltd
to identify issues with your Hotspot in a
secure way
Step 5:
Power Up the Nebra hotspot, and please note that never power on the Indoor/Outdoor hotspot
without it's antenna connected as this may damage the unit.