© 2022
Passion Radio / NEBRA
Onboarding Video
You can also watch this video to learn how to onboard the hotspot. This is using the Nebra Indoor Hotspot
on Android, but the process is very similar for the Outdoor Hotspot and using iOS devices:
Indoor ROCK Pi Hotspot Troubleshooting
If you are having trouble with setting up your hotspot or you have got a query, the following tips may help.
Device is not booting/Green activity light is off
The Green LED is blinking rapidly with few seconds intervall
Hotspot is not showing in the Helium App
Hotspot is not detecting Wi-Fi networks
Updating Nebra Hotspot Firmware
Onboarding key is missing error
How to access the diagnostics
On the Nebra Helium Hotspots, we have two local diagnostics tools that can help you to find any issues
with your miners.
Please take a look at the dedicated
No lights are turning on
You should see the lower light (Amber light) on the side of the unit turn on as soon as power is applied. If
this is the case, ensure the power supply is firmly plugged into the wall outlet, the power jack is plugged
into the unit and that the wall outlet is switched on.
To Do
Power adapater is connected correctly
Try a different power adaptor if available (12V 2.5A USB-C Power Adapter)
Upon power up the lower LED (yellow) should light up instantly. Approximately after a minute the top LED
(green) should then start blinking.
Green activity light is off
The Green light is the acivity light and it should turn on solid in normal oppertaion.
Approximately after a minute the top LED (green) should then start blinking. If not, contact customer
support with hotspot details.