| We’ll keep you rolling | 17
| We’ll keep you rolling | 18
Beware of the risk of injuries while removing the
Basic controller from the conveyor system. Only
authorized and qualified personnel is allowed to
perform these kind of tasks. Make sure that the
power is switched off and cannot be accidentally
switched on again during removal. When removing
the controller from the conveyor system, be sure
the execute the following tasks in this specific
• Cut all power from the system or, if applicable,
the specific segment.
• Disconnect all the cables from the Basic
• Remove the mounting screws that secure the
controller to the conveyor system.
• Gently remove the controller. Make sure not to
drop or bump the controller, this might result in
irreversible damage.
• If necessary, label the cables in order to ensure
they are put back in the right place.
• Make sure any loose cables are off the floor and
cannot be damaged by accident.
Beware of the risk of injuries while cleaning or
performing maintenance on the NDW 50/60 DRX.
Only authorized and qualified personnel is allowed
to perform these kind of tasks. Make sure that the
power is switched off and cannot be accidentally
switched on again during cleaning or maintenance.
Also make sure to indicate cleaning or maintenance
work is in progress on-site to inform co-workers.
Since the NDW 50/60 DRX is water- or dust proof,
humidity, dust and other dirt will not directly lead
to electrical failure of the product. However, in
order to avoid potential damaging the NDW 50/60
DRX should be periodically cleaned with a damp or
dry cloth. Also regular inspection for dirt and dust
is needed.
The disposal of the Basic controller must be
compliant to industry-specific national or local
provisions. The responsibility for right disposal
of the Basic controller and the accompanying
packaging and accessories lies completely with the
industrial operator which should take into account
the proper regulations surrounding disposal of
electronic devices.
The NDW 50/60 DRX itself does not require
maintenance. It is however advised to monthly
check for visible damage. And checked annually to
make sure that the rollers are secured properly in
the conveyor frame. Also check whether cables are
still rightly connected to the product’s connectors
and if cables have not suffered any visible damage.
In case a NDW 50/60 DRX is damaged and does
not function properly it has to be replaced. Consult
the “Removal” section(8.1) and “Disposal” section
(8.2) to properly discard the broken product, and
the “Assembly” section (4) for re-installing a new
NDW 50/60 DRX.
Make sure that the NDW 50/60 DRX is mounted
correctly and that all the bolts have been
correctly tightened.
Check the area around the drive roller to make
sure there are no other components creating
dangerous situations.
Make sure that the wiring is in accordance with
the specification and legal directives.
Check all protection measurements
Check the conveyor system and make sure no
personnel stands in hazardous areas
Check the NDW 50/60 DRX for visible damage
Check all protection measurements
Make sure there is no blockage of the drive roller
Check the conveyor system and make sure no
personnel stands in hazardous areas
Checks before start up
Checks before operation
Accidental start-up of the drive roller
Hazardous situation for both personnel and goods.
Make sure no unauthorized persons are near the
conveyor before switching on the power supply.