Hardness Tester DHT-200
Figure 1 Voltage features of output signal
The Leeb hardness values can be converted to other hardness scales
directly, such as HV, HRC, HRB, HB and HS.
2.3 Available Functions
●320×240 matrix TFT Color LCD
●Auto connects to 32 bits / 64 bits computer system.
●100 files x 100 data can be stored.
●Auto identification of impact device D, DC, DL, D+15, C, G
●Quick entry of test numbers, test data, sample material type and impact
direction via the keypad.
●Deletion of erroneous or incorrect previously stored test data.
●Display of the current test mode and its corresponding test data.
●Quick print out of all test results via inner mini-printer.
●Auto converse to hardness value (
●Low Battery Indicator
2.4 Symbol of Leeb’s hardness values
Just like the other hardness scales, users will get different hardness values
with different impact devices, for example:
Owing to different converting curves obtained from different hardness scale,
when converting from hardness scale L to another hardness scale, the
notation for the converted hardness value should include the impact device
used. For example: the Leeb hardness value 510HLD should be expressed as
below when it is converted to Rockwell hardness scales HRC: 510, 20 HRCLD in
510 Leeb hardness values
20 converted hardness values
HRC means the converted object
means the measuring method
means D impact device