Manual No. OM5000
Jan X/04 Ver 1.40
12.4.3 ALARMS Output
- The three-function NovaScope alarms (HI, LO, HI/LO) appear
as a TTL-compatible output on pins 13, 24 and 25 of the DATA multi-pin connector. Refer
to Figure 30. The ALARMS response speed is equal to 1-3 IP's (initial pulses) at
whichever pulse rate (PRF) is selected. The precise speed depends upon the amount of
change in material thickness. Smaller or slower rates of thickness change will produce the
fastest ALARMS response speed (approaching the PRF).
These internal alarm outputs can be used to drive relay circuits, etc. for on-line monitoring
applications; however, if a high-speed computer interface is involved in the system, it is
better to permit the computer's software to set alarm levels, etc., based on the digital
thickness information from the NovaScope's DATA port.
12.4.4 PortaScan RANGE/UNITS Output
- Referring to Figure 29, RANGE (Pin 10) and
UNITS (Pin 2) are special outputs (0/5 volt) used in conjunction with the high-speed binary
NovaScope-Computer interface for the PortaScan imaging system. Both outputs are
determined by the selected position of the front panel RANGE switch, namely "Range" of
short or long in "Units" of English or metric. Of course, the RANGE/UNITS outputs are
available for other special applications, if required by the customer.
Other variations of the NovaScope may be available from time to time in the future. Be
sure to check our website at
for upgrade or optional
hardware/software configurations