10 Optional Curlin AIR Accessories
In addition to NDT Systems' OPTIMA transducers, cables, reference standards and other
transducer accessories, the following optional Curlin AIR accessories are available:
TEP1 Curlin AIR Carry Pouch - A light-weight, easily donned pack permits hands-off use of
the Curlin AIR. The Curlin AIR fits firmly into a case-like compartment supported at an
adjustable angle and height such that the screen can be viewed just below normal line-of-
sight. Adjustable neck and waist straps are padded for comfort and have quick-clip
attachments. For climbing or moving about in confined spaces. One is included with the
original purchase of the Curlin AIR Gage.
Battery-Powered Serial Input Printer - For full-screen image or thickness printouts, a light-
weight NiCad battery-powered printer is available. Operation and Specifications for this
printer will be found in Section 6.0, Outputs. An interconnecting cable is included.
Other Optional Printers - Contact NDT Systems for information about other printers that
can be used with Curlin AIR. In some cases, custom interconnecting cables can be
supplied to Customers' specifications for printers already owned by the Customer.