LA010812A © 2007 Navman Wireless. All rights reserved. Proprietary information and specifications subject to change without notice.
Start – up header info
$PSRFTXT,Version GSW3.2.4Pat1_3.1.100.12-SDK001P1.00
$PSRFTXT,POS: 6378137 0 0
$PSRFTXT,Baud Rate: 9600
$PSRFTXT,NAVMAN SW Version: Jupiter30 v2.2 build 1 [S3]
Figure 6-2: Jupiter 31 NMEA message structure
message output at start-up if antenna OK. This message is not supported on
J21 platform. The J31 does not have antenna detection hardware and therefore the message is
not available unless external antenna detection circuitry is added.
$Version 2.3.2-GSW2-2.05.024-C1Prod1.5
$TOW: 0
$WK: 1438
$POS: 6378137 0 0
$CLK: 96000
$CHNL: 12
$Baud Rate: 4800 System clock: 12.277MHz
$HW Type: S2AM
$Asic Version: 0x23
$Clock Source: GPSCLK
$Internal Beacon: None
$NAVMAN SW Version: Jupiter21 v1.9 build 2 [ST]
Figure 6-3: Jupiter 21 NMEA message structure
message output at start-up to indicate input messages can now be sent. This
message is not present on J31 SS3 software.
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