Industrial Cellular VPN Router NR600 Series
User Manual
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4.5.3 VRRP
The Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) is a computer networking protocol that provides
automatic assignment of available Internet Protocol (IP) routers for participating hosts. The VRRP
router who has the highest number will become the virtual master router. The VRRP router number
ranges from 1 to 255 and usually we use 255 for the highest priority and 100 for backup. If the
current virtual master router receives an announcement from a group member (Router ID) with a
higher priority, then the latter will pre-empt and become the virtual master router.
Check this box will enable VRRP.
Enable No Preempt
Check this box to Prohibit the preemption of the primary router. When no-preempt is configured, the
backup router cannot preempt the primary router even if the backup router has a higher priority.
Select the interface of Virtual Router.
Virtual Router ID
User-defined Virtual Router ID. Range: 1-255.
Authentication Type
Select the authentication type for VRRP.
Enter the VRRP priority range is 1-254 (a bigger number indicates a higher priority).
Heartbeat package transmission time interval between routers in the virtual IP group. Range: 1-255.
Virtual IP Address
Enter the virtual IP address of virtual gateway.