Industrial Cellular VPN Router NR600 Series
User Manual
Page 48 / 90
Serial->Connection Settings
Baud Rate
Select the serial port baud rate. Supported values are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
57600, or 115200.
Data Bits
Select the values from 7 or 8.
Stop Bits
Select the values from 1 or 2.
Select values from none, even, odd, mark, space.
Transmission Method
Select the transmission method for serial port. Optional for “Transparent”, “Modbus RTU Gateway” and
“Modbus ASCII Gateway”.
Maximum Transmission Unit, maximum packet size allowed to be transmitted. Should be left as default
value of 1024 in most cases.
Select the mode for Serial IP communication. Supported modes are UDP, TCP Server, or TCP Client.
Above window displays these settings when you select
TCP Client
on Protocol.
Remote Address
Enter the IP address of the remote server.
Remote Port
Enter the port number of the remote server.