Industrial Cellular VPN Router NR600 Series
User Manual
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Alarm ON Mode
Select the electrical level to trigger alarm. Option are “Low” and “High”.
Alarm ON Content
Specify the alarm on content to be sent out via SMS message.
Alarm OFF Content
Specify the alarm off content to be sent out via SMS message
Digital IO->Digital Output
Check this box to enable digital output function.
Alarm Source
Select from “Digital Input1”, “Digital Input2” or “SMS”, Digital output triggers the related action when
there is alarm comes from Digital Input or SMS.
Alarm ON Action
Select from “High”, “Low” or “Pulse”. High means high electrical level output. Low means low
electrical level output. Pulse will generate a square wave as specified in the pulse mode parameters
when triggered.
Alarm OFF Action
Initiates when alarm disappeared. Select from “High”, “Low” or “Pulse”. High means high electrical
level output. Low means low electrical level output. Pulse will generate a square wave as specified in
the pulse mode parameters when triggered.
Pulse Width
This parameter is available when select “Pulse” as “Alarm ON Action/Alarm OFF Action”. The selected
digital output channel will generate a square wave as specified in the pulse mode parameters.