Tools and Test Equipment
Natus neoBlue® Radiometer (P/N 53870) or equivalent*
Potentiometer Adjustment Tool
GC Electronics 8608 or equivalent
Safety Glasses
Amber “Blue Blockers”
Work Pad
Any non-abrasive non-static surface
* Note: If a different radiometer is used please refer to the Conversion Chart in chapter 5
If the
meter is not listed, please contact Natus Technical Service before adjusting the LED intensity
with the potentiometer.
Intensity measurements are based on the patient being 12” from the panel lens of the UUT.
Compensation may be performed if the patient application distance must be different than 12”.
Adjusting the UUT light for a distance greater than 12” (increasing the potentiometer) will
decrease expected LED panel life. Adjusting for a distance less than 12” (decreasing the
potentiometer) will increase the LED panel life. See Chapter 1 for expected LED panel life.
2.3.1 Verifying General Performance
Switch the UUT to standby and disconnect the AC power cord.
These tests can be performed with the UUT on a roll stand or convenient mounting pole.
Attach the adjustable arm to the roll stand or mounting pole so the light enclosure can be
examined. Verify that the air vents are not blocked.
Connect the AC power cord to the UUT and to an AC receptacle.
Warning! Operator Safety:
Sensitive individuals may experience headache,
nausea or mild vertigo if he/she stays too long in the illuminated area.
Using the neoBLUE mini device in a well-lighted area or wearing
glasses with yellow lenses can alleviate potential effects. Guard Dog
Bones glasses (p/n 413BB) are recommended and are available
online at
or via phone at 1-800-870-6189.
Switch the UUT on. Verify that the ventilation fan is running and that the LED panel
Examine panel geometry for unlit LEDs. Confirm that there are both blue and yellow
LED components. The yellow components are uniformly spaced throughout the LED
The UUT can conform to specifications with some LEDs unlit. However, if a
large number of LEDs are unlit, the UUT may not meet minimum values required during
testing. LED intensity may need to be adjusted higher if many LEDs are unlit. This action
will reduce LED life.
Switch the UUT to standby.
Position the UUT to suspend the light enclosure, facing down, 13.5” above a convenient
work surface. Please recall that the specified adjustment distance is 12”. The additional
1.5” is to accommodate the radiometer sensor distance from the table surface.
If a different radiometer is being used, its dimensions may change the 1.5”
mini System Service Manual
P/N 051466F