doesn't shine, the solar collector can only cool the water running through it and therefore the water
heater, as well. The pump works until the temperature in the water heater goes below 30 degrees or
until the temperature of the collector is only 5 degrees lower that the temperature in the water
heater. With this function of the electronic control, enough heat is taken from the tank in the night,
so that when the sun rises up again and the temperature in the collector gets the limit set in
Max Temp → Pump On,
the pump turns on and takes the heat from the collector to the water
Measured or set parameters
On every work mode, in this field you can find useful information about the measured values,
which are not displayed on the main screen, and about some of the set work parameters of the
system. All possible data is displayed successively by pressing the
button. It appears in
the following order:
Set temperature
Temperature of the water heater, measured in its bottom section
Temperature of the solar collector
Indicator for the condition of the anode protector
Electricity consumed on daily rate
Electricity consumed on night rate
Start time of the daily rate for calculation the consumed electricity
Start time of the night rate for calculation the consumed electricity
Minimum temperature difference between the temperatures of the solar
collector and the bottom section of the water heater (t3-t1), for turning
on the pump
Temperature difference (t3-t1) for turning off the pump
Minimum temperature difference between the boiler and the upper
section of the water heater (t4-t2) for turning on the pump
Temperature difference (t4-t2) for turning off the pump
NHC-H41-2 Reference Manual ver 2.2
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