Destination 1
Destination 2
Destination 3
Pos: Crs Speed
Pos: Fine
AM: x^2
Delay: LFO
Filter: Hi Cut
LFO: Wave
Delay: Env
LFO: Rate
LFO: Symmetry
Filter: Lo Cut
Mixer: Sample
Mixer: Sample
Mixer AM
Mixer: Delay
Mixer: Filter
Filter Section
is a Macro Controller with up to two destinations in the 8-pole Filter.
Filter Parameters
: The Macro Control knob which is the source of modulation for the target parame
[2] Modulation Target Menus: The
macro control has three targets that can be chosen
by drop-down menus each with its own control level. It is suggested to assign it to a MIDI con
troller like an expression pedal or as a sequencer automation parameter. By pressing the but
ton on the left the fader can be replaced by the signal of the monophonic LFO. Control amount
of the Macro Controller on the first, second and third target.
[3] Amount Sliders: Control amount of the Macro Control on the first and second target.
: When this button is activated the
knob is replaced by the signal of the Global
Overview of SKANNER Ensemble
Macro Controls Section
SKANNER - Manual - 52