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Содержание 4660

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Страница 3: ... IOUChlng the number keys tn J the 58me sequence as ir you were wrillng hl fn Oown on paper II a decimal appeals In the number key illn sequence as pan ollhe number The calcu1410r accepts me IUSI deCimal keyed in as the decImal in Ihe number The dec1l1 81 need tIC be keyed in hen k f g in WhOle numbers The dectmAI pcinl Itt he result ola ealelJla ion Is automatically poSllroned This is known as ll...

Страница 4: ... nOlalion using upon depression 01 a function key they will be convened to l10ating decimall lOtalion it capacity permits Example ENTER 5 IEII 3 2 2 00 2 0 5 2 15 2 2 52 7 2 27 C Example 3 Enter 2 x 101 and then chatlge the exponOn to 27 ENTER DISPLAY Reformat Display Keys and When the calculator is turned on it is in the Uoaling decimal mode Although amoun s may be entered 4 19 3 00 1 2 28 Note I...

Страница 5: ...Operations The proeedule for perfOrming simple addlllO l SUbltSCllon mult plicaltOn or dlVislon s to key I l the problem as ills written Enlerflrst number depress 01 Enler the second number dopress Ills a good practice 10 depress before perform ing calculatIons in order to clear any calculatior s pending flom pteV10US key dePl essions COM EtHS 5000 eNTER Multilactor Chain Calculations The floalles...

Страница 6: ...alculator dise YS an intermediate answer upon depression of 11 lor inlormation purposes nd to remind you that upon depression ollhese koys any pending adcl subtract mulliply divide or power command is executed May be tIl5ed In fUrlhar caleu aUolUi DISPLAY 3800 3800 475 5000 3800 475 ENTER DISPLAY 144 144 Ill 72 El 6 5000 1200 III Rule for performing chain calculations Perform the problem as it is ...

Страница 7: ...etes a pending lwo factor calculation and selS up lhe intermediale resull as an addend displays lhe Intermediate result Performing Constant Calculations The second factor In a IwO lactor calculaUon is retained as a constantin the calculaling register 2 COMMENTS Plobtcm palrormad In standard manner 5 10 G OISPLAV S 2 3 To use the constant Petlorm an addition subtraction mvltlpl1callon or division p...

Страница 8: ...eneral procedural statement can be applied 10 Ihase keys With a value entered inlo the display depression of a one laclor function key executes the Indicated sin cos relc function and instantly displays the answer These keys may be depressed a an lime o Ullog a calculalion wllhou disturbing any two laclor calculation in proglCSs This feature provides greal flexibility in problem solving as shown i...

Страница 9: ... into the display Depress this key display shows the square root X Squared Key Enter a value less than or equal to 10 0 inlo Ihe display Depress Ihese keys display shows the value squared Reciprocal Key Enler 8 non zero value Into the display Depress these keys display shows result of 1 divldeo by Je Factorlal Key Enler a positive Inleger within the range 0 to 69 Depress these keys display shows t...

Страница 10: ... c n r OISPLAY 720 10 4 1 720 720 50 O Observe that in the exampte above lhe x y key see Olher Keys seclion for a discussion of x y is sed to swap the dividend and divisor In orher wOlds lhe ploblem was performed such thai 1D 4 1 10 was pendIng The formula was leversed 1OU l 0 4 I by depressIng Examplo Permulatfons For example Out 01 a dinner parly for 10 how many ways can the hostess assIgn playe...

Страница 11: ... The X easting coordinate is displayed Depress to read lhe y nonhing COOldinate 1 11II 2 t4 ii142162 10 33247308 Angle 9 RaduJIf Example Converttl le following rectangular coordinates to polar coordinates Y 5 X 3 Y 2 6 X 10 COMMENTS OecimallHlu v 011Iooas 5 OISPLAY O 5 59 03624347 5 830951895 COMMENTS Angle a Radous I I Degrees Minutes Seconds Decimal Degree Conversion III The key sequence to degr...

Страница 12: ...MENTS Not necessary II pravrousl Sellor deglCe mode 56 4216 2 15 17 T js key converts decIma d rees to degrees minutes and seconds Example Converl45 minutes and second 45 988 Example ENTER 56 70444444 1 522611881 The and keys are especially useful n calculations dealing with time Hours minutes and seconds correspond to degrees minutes and seconds thelefore the and keys can be used to convert hours...

Страница 13: ...O rhe display depress thase keys the numbel s subltacled from the lespectlve memory one two or three and Ine rllS lllingdilfel ence Is slOfed itt that memory The d splaydol s nOlchange COMMENTS Close but not llllle DISPLAY 32 77717718 27 Converts the number In the display from C egrees centigrade 10 degrees fahrenhe t Example I the dO Clor In Toronto leUs you lhalyou have a remperalure 01 37 C sho...

Страница 14: ...register Memory Overllow If the result of a memory operation exceeds the capac tyof he calculator 10 to 10 01 Is displayed The alfel led memory ill contaIn the value dISplayed pnor 10 the overflow condition Example The fo110will9 quantities of parts for constructIon of a device ate priced as follows Pourr NO QUANTITY PRICE A 152 57 41 a 76 S6 73 24 C 45 52 55 Find the lotal cost of conslluetlon EN...

Страница 15: ... data polnls can be added to rhe s lmmallons In memory 1l 9lsters and a new mean and standard devialfon obtamed Exampte Add 0 the summatIons computed In tho previous example the dam polnrS Find the new mean and standard devJallof E IHER DISPLAY CoMMENtS COMMENTS M Slluldard Oilvlarion o 2 5 7 3 2 3 2 167948339 2 5 3 2 The display does not c lange thereby enabling repeated depressions o hlch sum a ...

Страница 16: ...s 20 set uD to l t de In Ol lens leYel1 Opons 111 lev 1 parens Yes 5 2 32 or 32 5 2 Smce yx Is two laclor function l ey and theretJy eompletllS a penchno calculauon the lett most m lnod ptrlorrTl 5 2 3 Olsplay I OW 100 A1s o th S key seQuence allows no quaIs Il ey d pl lon No ts 2 3 l Clurs IWllens eI2 d bf nll lnull 20 to dJSDlay r glllel T kes d SDlayed result tId operales on lnslJ UCllons SlOfe...

Страница 17: ...07 31 415926So1 32 91861189 12 _ 1 2 2 3 5 lIV Y 5 3658626t11 2 6L 1aL11l31 D1SP A1 11 16 3 658626411 II ENUIl 3 5 EKTEIl 5 Example 2 SoIYe OHEIl DISPLAY 256 25 6 5 3 30 9 P oblem 123 123 petf fl KI 8 20 3 elil tl1 as wroUom 65 85 21 34105882 5 5 25 25 alii 3 141592654 78 53981634 Other Keys II PIKey The pi key display to ten dec mal places 3 14159265 4 Eumple Ca culale Ihe area 01 a circle 01 rad...

Страница 18: ...e llhe AC charger 10 Ille jack 32 elille lOp or Inc mechlne AlulleN l a1tU Il 1e hOtlrl and las allprOllimalcly 1M oou l ou can your fMchlne whil nle charger Is Plvglle l lUlU w ll c hsroe IMlI f II yOI I lur 11 011 The mlchlne WIll not lllc ha e BE SURE TO 1 JRN YOUR CALCULATOR OFF BEFORE CONNECl 1NG THE AC CHARGER II your calculalor is lell on for an extend d period oluma the ballcnes may be cha...

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