National Instruments Corporation
GPCTR1_OUT signal
description (table), 4-5
general-purpose counter timing summary
general-purpose timing connections, 4-35
signal summary (table), 4-7
general-purpose counter timing summary
general-purpose timing connections, 4-33
relation to GPCTR1_OUT signal, 4-35
timing diagram, 4-33
digital I/O lines, 3-8
general-purpose timing connections, 4-35
ground-referenced signal sources
description, 4-9
differential connections, 4-11
recommended configuration (table), 4-10
hardware installation
procedure, 2-1
unpacking the NI PCI-6110/6111, 1-5
hardware overview
analog input
input coupling, 3-4
input mode, 3-2
input polarity and input range, 3-3
overview, 3-2
selection considerations, 3-4
analog output, 3-4
analog trigger
block diagram, 3-5
overview, 3-4
block diagrams
NI PCI-6110, 3-1
NI PCI-6111, 3-2
timing signal routing
device and RTSI clocks, 3-10
overview, 3-8
programmable function inputs, 3-10
RTSI triggers, 3-11
STARTSCAN signal routing
professional services, D-1
technical support, D-1
high-hysteresis analog triggering mode, 3-7
highValue, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7
I/O connectors
cable options for the NI PCI-6110/6111,
connector details (table), 4-1
exceeding maximum ratings
pin assignments
50-pin connector (figure), 4-3, B-3
68-pin connector (figure), 4-2, B-2
signal descriptions (table), 4-3
signal summary (table), 4-6
input coupling, 3-4
input mode.
differential measurements
input polarity, 3-3
input range, 3-3
actual range and measurement precision
considerations for selecting input
inside-region analog triggering mode, 3-7
hardware, 2-1
questions about, C-2
software, 2-1
unpacking the NI PCI-6110/6111, 1-5