DIO 6533 User Manual
National Instruments Corporation
an expansion bus architecture that has found widespread acceptance as
a de facto standard in notebook-size computers. It originated as a
specification for add-on memory cards written by the Personal
Computer Memory Card International Association.
peripheral device
an external device that a board controls, monitors, tests, or
communicates with
Plug and Play devices
devices that do not require dip switches or jumpers to configure
resources on the devices
Plug and Play ISA
a specification prepared by Microsoft, Intel, and other PC-related
companies that will result in PCs with plug-in boards that can be fully
configured in software, without jumpers or switches on the boards
(1) a communications connection on a computer or a remote controller
(2) a digital port, consisting of four or eight lines of digital input and/or
posttrigger acquisition
the technique used on a DAQ board to acquire a programmed number
of samples after trigger conditions are met
programmable peripheral interface
parts per million
pretrigger acquisition
the technique used on a DAQ board to keep a continuous buffer filled
with data, so that when the trigger conditions are met, the sample
includes the data leading up to the trigger condition
programmed I/O
the standard method a CPU uses to access an I/O device each byte of
data is read or written by the CPU
the exact sequence of bits, characters, and control codes used to transfer
data between computers and peripherals through a communications
channel, such as the GPIB
random-access memory
request signal
ribbon cable
a flat cable in which the conductors are side by side