National Instruments Corporation
This chapter discusses what you need to get started, optional software,
optional equipment, how to unpack the DAQCard-700, and safety
information for using the device.
About the DAQCard-700
The DAQCard-700 is a low-cost, low-power AI, DIO, and TIO card for
computers equipped with a Type II PCMCIA slot. The card has the
following features:
A 12-bit, successive-approximation A/D converter (ADC) with
16 single-ended or 8 differential analog inputs
16 DIO channels: eight lines of TTL-compatible digital input and eight
lines of digital output
Two 16-bit counter/timer channels for TIO
A MSM82C54 counter/timer integrated circuit, which provides three
integrated counter/timers
An optional 50-pin I/O connector, which enables you to easily connect
all the analog, digital, and timing signals to the card
The DAQCard-700 is fully software configurable and factory calibrated.
The low power consumption of the DAQCard-700 makes the card ideal for
portable computers, making remote data acquisition more practical. The
card requires very little power when operating and has a standby mode that
uses even less power, thus extending the computer battery life.
In addition, the low cost of a system based on the DAQCard-700 makes
it ideal for laboratory work. The multiple-channel AI capability is useful
in signal analysis and data logging. The 12-bit ADC is suited for
high-resolution applications such as chromatography, temperature
measurement, and DC voltage measurement. The 16 TTL-compatible DIO
lines can be used for switching external devices such as transistors and
solid-state relays, for reading the status of external digital logic, and for
generating interrupts. The counter/timers can be used to synchronize
events, generate pulses, and measure frequency and time.