Drivven, Inc.
Throttle Driver Module Kit
© Drivven, Inc. 2009
• Throttle Driver Module Kit User’s Manual • D000017 • Rev B
TIpos (sec)
Integral time for the throttle control PID function while Theta is
greater than ThetaLH. The integral time is equivalent to the electro-mechanical
time-constant of the throttle body. Smaller integral times intensify the integral
action. When TI is set to zero, the integral action is disabled.
TDpos (sec)
Derivative time for the throttle control PID function while Theta is
greater than ThetaLH. The derivative time is proportional to the electro-
mechanical time-constant of the throttle body. Larger times intensify the
derivative action. When TD is set to zero, the derivative action is disabled.
KRneg (V/deg)
Proportional gain for the throttle control PID function while Theta
is less than or equal to ThetaLH.
TIneg (sec)
Integral time for the throttle control PID function while Theta is less
than ThetaLH. The integral time is equivalent to the electro-mechanical time-
constant of the throttle body. Smaller integral times intensify the integral action.
When TI is set to zero, the integral action is disabled.
TDneg (sec)
Derivative time for the throttle control PID function while Theta is
less than ThetaLH. The derivative time is proportional to the electro-mechanical
time-constant of the throttle body. Larger times intensify the derivative action.
When TD is set to zero, the derivative action is disabled.
ThetaLHErrThresh (deg)
Limp-home compensation (uLHc) is updated when
ThetaR is within ThetaLHErrThresh degrees of ThetaLH (above or below).
Voltage added or subtracted to the PID output when ThetaR is in the
vicinity of ThetaLH. As Theta moves through the limp-home region, ULHc is
updated to a positive or negative value (negative going down, positive going up)
and added to the PID output in order to assist throttle control through the region.
ULHLag (sec)
Lag filter time applied to the limp-home compensation. A lag time
prevents uLHc from reversing directions too fast.
US (V)
Voltage added to or subtracted from the PID output when Theta is outside
the vicinity of ThetaLH. US is a stiction compensation value. This parameter
assists throttle control during small Theta errors to overcome stiction. Parameter
uFc is updated to a positive or negative value according to the sign of
ThetaR - Theta error, and added to the PID output.
USLag (sec)
Lag filter time applied to the stiction compensation. A lag time
prevents uFc from reversing directions too fast.
ThetaLH (deg)
Limp-home angle. This is the default throttle position which
results from no power being applied to the motor.
MotorResistance (Ohms)
The resistance of the motor winding must be entered
here. A digital multi-meter (DMM) can be used to measure this. This value is
used to determine output ranges.
BattNom (V)
The nominal battery voltage supplied to the module. Most
automotive systems operate with 12V. This would be the nominal battery
voltage. The actual voltage may fluctuate around the nominal.
When TRUE, the VI will compensate the throttle output for the