Nasco Airway
Management Head
About the Simulator…
The Advanced Airway
Management Trainer Head is the most
realistic simulator available for the
training of intubation and other airway
management skills. Now with the added
features of laryngospasm and tongue
swelling, this trainer will provide students
with an easy-to-use model that will build
their confidence and expertise while still
providing a realistic intubation experience.
Nasco has taken great care to create an
advanced airway management trainer
that is anatomically correct in respect to
both size and detail. Landmarks include:
nostrils, teeth, tongue, oral and nasal
pharynx, larynx, cricoid ring, epiglottis,
arytenoid, false and true cords, trachea,
esophagus, “Airway Larry” lung set, and
Nasco’s Advanced Airway Management
Trainer Head allows you to practice oral,
digital, and nasal intubation. E.T., E.O.A.,
, LMA, and Combitube
can all be practiced as well (please see
“Using the Combitube
”). Suction tech-
niques and proper cuff inflation can also
be performed and evaluated.
Before using the Advanced Airway
Management Trainer Torso, lubricate
both the simulator and supplies being
used with the Nasco lubricant provided.
(See figures 1 & 2.)
Nasco recommends the use
of the provided lubricant or a similar
vegetable-based lubricant for the Airway
Larry Management Trainer Head. The use
of a silicone-based lubricant may cause
damage to the simulator, thus voiding
Nasco’s warranty on the trainer.
Pull back the plunger of a 20 cc syringe
and attach it to the red stopcock.
figure 3.)
Depress the plunger to force
1-5 cc of air into the system. Close the
tubing port at the stopcock to maintain
the pressure within the larynx. The syringe
may be removed at this point.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 1
Figure 3
Figure 4
2. Before replacing the upper compres-
sion plate, make sure the lung bags
are connected to the tracheal tube
extending from the lower portion of
the neck of the Airway Management
Trainer head.
3. Position the upper compression plate
over the springs so that each of the
springs fits up into a cylinder on the
bottom of the upper compression
(See figure 3.)
4. Place the lung bags through the hole
in the center of the upper compres-
sion plate so they rest on top of the
(See figure 4.)
5. Place the chest plate back over the
upper compression plate and lungs.
6. Reattach the chest skin by adjusting
the Velcro
edges. Again, be care-
ful not to damage the electronics
attached to the chest skin.
Torso Set Up:
A. Connecting the Airway
1. The manikin’s airway has been dis-
connected to prevent damage dur-
ing shipping. To connect the airway,
remove the chest skin, chest plate,
compression springs, and upper
compression plate.
Caution must be taken not to
damage the defibrillation electronics
attached to the chest skin when removing
the skin from the manikin.
2. Remove the lung bags from the
upper compression plate. Connect
the right and left lung bags to the
adapters in the right and left bron-
(See figure 1.)
B. Installing the Chest Compression
1. Remove the compression springs
from packaging. Insert the springs
into the four plastic cylinders
extending up from the lower com-
pression plate.
(See figure 2.)
Figure 2
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