8.0 Bit Torrent server
NAS Dongle supports Bit torrent download independently without using PC resource.
Maxima of 4 bit torrent download can be running at the same time.
Select “Bit torrent” server and select the “Download Path” you wish to use than click
“Apply” to save setting. (DO NOT change path setting while perform BT downloading,
otherwise downloaded job will be missing)
Server Port range can be chose form 6881 to 65535. (6881 is default setting)
Create a upload speed limit: 0= unlimited upload speed, and 4 KB is minimum speed,
then click “set” to save setting.
Click “Browse” and select .torrent file than Upload to the download queue.
Note: Jobs listed in the Download Queue will be removed when NAS dongle is turned off or
USB storage is removed.