SHOUT sp User Guide, Rev B.1
Appendix A: PMS Features
The SHOUT sp is capable of sending position reports in PECOS Message Structure
(PMS). PMS complies with the Blue Force Tracking Data Format Specification as
defined in the document PECOS 200907-001 Version 1.7 [3].
With PMS enabled, the user has the option to select any one of sixteen Brevity
Codes (0000 through 1111) to be included in the PMS tracking reports. These codes
are represented by A(z), B, C(z) and D and can be selected via the touchscreen.
Each code will display as a green checkmark next to the Brevity code when selected.
With PMS enabled, the contact(s) must have two fields—Name and IMEI number.
The Contacts function allows users to enter and save a contact(s) via the keyboard.
With PMS enabled, the user must choose contacts from the contact list and not
enter e-mail addresses directly. The contact(s) must have two fields—Name and
IMEI number.