AL3A-RM User Guide Version B
Document Number: 451-93156-002B
49 of 172
Both directions (default)
<comp_neg> can take on the following values:
Do not disconnect if V.42bis is not negotiated by the A3LA-RM as specified in
<direction> (default)
Disconnect if V.42bis is not negotiated by the A3LA-RM as specified in <direction>
<max_dict> can take on the following values: 512 to 2048. Default is 512.
<max_string> can take on the following values: 6 to 250. Default is 6.
Read Command:
Query the current data compression parameter settings. The response is in the form:
+DS: <direction>,<comp_neg>,<max_dict>,<max_dict>
Test Command:
List the supported data compression parameters. The response is in the form:
+DS: (supported<direction>s),(supported<comp_neg>s,(supported
Data compression will not work if IRLP is in unacknowledged mode.
The register is not updated right after the user requests new values because the
requested values may or may not be what IRLP will use once a data call is established
due to negotiations with the other peer. If the register is updated right away, this may
give the user the impression that those values will be used during the data call, but
there is no guarantee that will be the case. The real values will only be known once a
data call is established and the negotiation phase is done. For that reason, the values
are written to the register only after a call is established and both sides have
negotiated parameter values. The value of the register will be reset to default value
(3) after the call is completed.
Set Command:
Set the data compression reporting level.
<mode> can take on the following values:
Disable data compression reporting (default)