9602-LP User Guide Version A
Document Number: 451-92750-001A
58 of 61
Input Voltage Range: ........................................+3.6 VDC to +5.3 VDC or +6.0 VDC to
+32 VDC
Main Input Voltage Ripple: ................................< 40 mV peak-to-peak
Transmit Current (Average): .............................200 mA @ 5 VDC
Transmit Current (Peak): ..................................1.5 A @ 5 VDC
Receive Current (Average): ...............................45 mA @ 5 VDC
Receive Current (Peak): ....................................195 mA @ 5 VDC
Message Transfer Power (Average): ...................<= 1.0W @ 5 VDC
Current in Between Reports:..............................Less than 65 μA @ 5 VDC
Power Input Type: ............................................DC power or Li-ion battery
Note: The DC power requirement was measured at the 9602-LP multi-interface connector
and not at the DC power supply. Take into account voltage drop across the power supply
cable to ensure adequate current provided to the 9602-LP during SBD sessions. If input
voltage does not stay above 3.0 VDC during surge or high current demand, the 9602-LP will
reset itself.
Note: The average current drawn during transmission may vary depending on the field-of-
view between the 9602-LP antenna and the Iridium satellite, the type of Iridium antenna
used, and the cable loss.
Operating Temperature Range: ..........................–40°F to +185°F (–40°C to +85°C)
Operating Humidity Range: ...............................≤ 75% RH
Storage Temperature Range: .............................–40°F to +185°F (–40°C to +85°C)
Storage Humidity Range: ..................................≤ 93% RH
Note: Operating temperature range based on a duty-cycled usage model with the stand-
alone 9602 transceiver sending one SBD message per hour and is otherwise turned off
during the hour.