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Figure 9 – Wiring for the Cross-Saber feature. This is for a single color blade and side guards, but allows for a FOC color on the main blade.
Note that 4 resistors or STTH2L06 diodes would be needed for a Red/amber color, labeled as R1-R4 in the diagram. This wiring also utilizes a
single AV switch, so the configuration would need to reflect that (one button or one button with motion). Finally, c1Color and c2Color could
be set independently if the die off C2- was a different color to allow for the flash-clash effects.
After wiring this, make sure that not only Cross-Saber is enabled in the master section, but each font where it is
desired for the side LEDs to be on will also need
set to 95 in the master, and then
set to a
non-zero value for each effect where the secondary blade(s) should be on. If you want a simple static blade then
just set all three c3 values
to 255. However, if you want them to only come on for flash
effects, set
to 0, but the rest to 255. You can also turn them down some to something like 155 to save
some power. For
, and
, they could be set the same if the TriCree is all red, or set
independently to have c2Color off for the main blade and enabled for the other effects, allowing the main blade to
have a flash-clash color.
When using the external XDrive, it is possible to have a cross-guard saber with full color mixing on the main blade
and the two quillions. This specific example uses 3 NECree RGrB LEDs, but any RGB LED could be used.
Note that with this configuration it is recommended to use a 26650 since the runtime drain for this setup is quite
high; if that battery cannot be used at least use the KeepPower 18650 3120mAh as it has a 15amp PCB and does a
bit better with the higher amperage draw.