Rev. 11-26-14
Part #15-9324
1400 Folding Door System
Warning labels are universal and used to alert an individual of potential harm to one’s self or to others. The following
warning labels are listed in a hierarchy order that de ines the most potential danger irst, and the least potential
danger last. Please refer to this page in the event that a warning label is displayed within this manual and further
de inition needs to be explained.
Indicates poten ally dangerous situa ons. Danger is used when there is a hazardous
situa on where there is a
probability of severe injury or death.
It should not be considered for property damage unless personal injury risk
is present.
Indicates a hazardous situa on which has
probability of severe injury.
It should not be considered for property damage unless personal injury risk
is present.
Indicates a hazardous situa on which
may result in a minor injury
. Cau on
should not be used when there is a possibility of serious injury. Cau on should
not be considered for property damage accidents unless a personal injury risk
is present.
A en on:
A situa on where material could be damaged or the func on impaired.
No ce:
Indicates a statement of company policy as the message relates to the personal safety or
protec on of property. No ce should not be used when there is a hazardous situa on or
personal risk.
Indicates important information that provides further instruction.