White Balance
Clicking this button adjusts the camera's color sensitivity to match
the prevailing color of white outdoor light, yellow indoor light, or
(sometimes) greenish fluorescent light. Select the white balance mode
that most closely matches the light in which you're using the camera.
Auto: for when lighting conditions can change or are uncertain
Indoor : for incandescent lighting (bulb light)
: for fluorescent lighting
Clicking this button causes all the control settings to return to
their original default settings.
Advanced Settings
The Advanced Settings provide advanced controls for video or
image capturing along with setting folders for both e-mail and lan-
guage. Simply open the Advanced Settings and click on the appro-
priate folder.
The settings are accessed by clicking the tab on the left side of the
Settings panel. These settings are used to alter the images or the
video that you capture. They must be set before capturing an image
or video to have an effect.
Exposure Value
This setting allows you to control the amount of light captured
with images. In bright conditions it is preferable to capture less light
(-), whereas, in darker conditions it is preferable to capture more
light (+).
This setting allows you to adjust the overall amount of light dis-
played in an image, making it appear bright (
) or dark (
This setting allows you to adjust the disparity in tone between the
dark and light areas of an image. Positive values (
) create greater
differences between dark and light areas of the image, whereas, nega-
tive values (
) create greater similarities between the dark and light
areas of the image.
Exposure Mode
Exposure Mode allows you to select the type of exposure used to
capture the image:
CENTER: Focuses the quality of exposure on the center of the
image (great for photos of people).
MATRIX: Evenly focuses the exposure to all areas of the image
(great for landscape shots).