The Photo Album
(1) The Setting Functions
(v) Preview on Startup
This feature allows images to automatically appear as thumbnails
everytime you open the Photo Album.
(2) Selecting Images
Images must be selected prior to being transferred, downloaded, or
• Unselected images have no colored box around them.
• Selected images have a colored box around them.
• Protected images have a lock icon below them.
• Marked images have a flag icon below them.
• Images not Previewed have a happy face icon in them.
Selecting individual or multiple images
You can manually select an image by clicking on it with your
There are three ways to select multiple images:
1. Click the Select All icon and all of the
images currently in Photo Album are
automatically selected.
2. Press Ctrl + each image you want to
3. Right-click on an image and a pop-up
box will display, choose Select. Each
image that you do this for will remain
To select a series of images:
Click on the first image, then press Shift + click on the last
image you wish to select. All images between these two
selections will be selected.
(i) Baud Rate
This is the rate at which the camera and computer communicate
with each other through the serial port.
The USB baud rate is automatically determined, whereas, the RS232
baud rate has four possible settings.
RS232 Baud rates
1. 19200 bps (bits/second)
3. 115200 bps
2. 57600 bps
4. Auto Detect
The computer will auto-detect the baud rate and communicate
with the camera using the highest setting. Some high quality images
cannot be transferred at this rate and therefore, you must manually
select a slower baud rate.
(ii) Com Port (RS232 Serial Connection only)
This is the PC port that you connect the RS232 cable into. This
setting function automatically detects the Com Port and displays
this location in the settings function, so that you are able to properly
communicate between the camera and PC.
(iii) Language
This setting allows you to change the language that is used for
displaying the camera settings and functions.
(iv) Convert to XGA
Checking this box allows the software to increase the image reso-
lution to 1024 x 768.
To access this information, click the Settings icon, and select
Information. This feature displays or allows you to adjust the
settings used to communicate with the camera.