If you wish to see the effects of your changes in the
Preview Window, click on the Preview button.
Channel Selector
Channel refers to the red, green, and blue
colors that make up a color image. You can
choose to change the channels individually
or choose Master to change all channels
equally and simultaneously. An image in
Gray Mode has one channel.
Brightness Control
Using 255 steps, this tool allows you to adjust the overall
amount of light in the image. A value of –127 will make
the image appear very dark, whereas, a value of +127
will make the image appear very bright.
Brightness –50
Brightness 0
Brightness 50
The Enhance Tab
The Enhance tab contains preprocessing controls that can
be applied to the image before making the final scan. To
access the Enhance tab, click Enhance.
The Enhance tab contains two picture thumbnails
(Original and Sample) of the preview image, several
control settings, and a histogram of the image. Alterations
made to the enhance settings appear in the sample
The image that appears in the thumbnails will
automatically be replaced with the Preview image.