Instructions For Use. Page 5
We strongly recommend that you use the F16 or F19 power amplifiers manufac-
tured by Musical Fidelity.
These are designed for perfect electrical and sonic compatibility with the F25.
When paired, they produce truly extraordinary results which afford an unprecedented
level of musical communication, articulation and dynamics.
One of the design aims of the F25 was that it should be relatively insensitive to
the effects of interconnect cables. Although it is important that you use low imped-
ance, low capacitance cables, the exact make and model are not too important. Simi-
larly, a lot of fuss is made about different types of plugs and sockets; once again, the
F25 is very insensitive to these differences.
A large amount of time, effort, money and energy has been expended to ensure
that your F25 will produce optimal results with almost any cables or connectors. We
hope that this makes your installation and listening easier and more enjoyable.
All connections should be made with the power off. The F25 has six inputs.
These are all clearly labelled on the back panel. The F25 also has a tape record out-
put. This should be connected to the input of a tape deck.
The phono input select toggle switch is used to select moving coil or moving
magnet input.
The push button marked equalisation is used to select the bass filtering of the
input. The original RIAA curve was modified some years ago by the IEC to include
an earlier bass roll-off, which prevents excessive cone movement with some speaker
systems. Ultimately, the choice of curve is up to you.
The toggle switch marked MC input loading is to select the impedance seen by
the moving coil cartridge, either 10 or 100 Ohms. MC cartridges are not particulalrly
sensitive to loading but you may find that one or the other setting suits your cartridge.
The dip switches are used to select the capacative loading on moving magnet
cartridges. This should be set by ear, as the total capacitance seen by the cartridge
will be dependent on the arm leads etc. Basically, up to a point, the higher the capaci-
tance, the smoother the sound. The left hand switch selects either 47KOhms or
68KOhms impedance. (47K normally)
The five line inputs on the F25 are at the same level. The CD, tuner, CDV, tape
and aux. are all interchangeable, and any source with an output level in the The F25
must be connected to a power amplifier, such as the Musical Fidelity F16 or F19.
There are two pairs of sockets which can be used to output the signal from the preamp