Legal notes
User manual 59507_hdb_en_12
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Legal notes
Murrelektronik GmbH has reviewed the contents of this technical documenta-
tion for conformity with the described hardware and software. It is possible that
certain details may not be correct. For this reason, we make no warranty re-
garding the accuracy of this technical documentation, and assume no liability
for any errors, in particular full conformity. This exclusion of liability shall not
apply if the damage was caused deliberately and/or due to gross negligence,
nor does it cover any claims based on the German Product Liability Act.
Should a major contractual obligation have been violated negligently, the lia-
bility of Murrelektronik GmbH shall be limited to typically occurring damage.
We reserve the right to make technical alterations and amend the content of
this documentation. We recommend to regularly check whether this documen-
tation has been updated because corrections that might be required due to
technical modifications will be included by Murrelektronik GmbH at regular in-
tervals. Please contact us if you would like to suggest any improvements.
It is prohibited to transfer or photocopy the documentation either in paper or in
digital form, reuse or divulge its contents unless otherwise expressly permitted
by Murrelektronik GmbH or in conjunction with the production of documenta-
tion for third-party products that contain products made by Murrelektronik Gm-
bH. Compensation will be claimed if our copyright is violated. All rights
reserved, particularly in the event of a patent being granted or a utility model
being registered.
Usage rights
Murrelektronik GmbH grants its customers a non-exclusive right revocable at
any time and for an indefinite period of time to use this technical documenta-
tion to create their own technical documentation. For this purpose, the docu-
mentation produced by Murrelektronik GmbH may be changed in parts, or
amended, or copied, and transferred to the customer's users as part of the
customer's own technical documentation on paper or on electronic media. In
this case, the customers shall bear sole responsibility for the correctness of
the contents of the technical documentation produced by them.
If the technical documentation is integrated in part, or in full in the customer's
technical documentation, the customer shall refer to the copyright of Murrelek-
tronik GmbH. All safety instructions must be included.
Although the customer is obliged to make reference to the copyright of Mur-
relektronik GmbH, provided the technical documentation of Murrelektronik
GmbH is used, the customers shall market and/or use the technical documen-
tation on their sole responsibility. The reason is that we have no influence on
changes or applications of the technical documentation and even minor
changes to the initial product or deviations in the intended applications may
render incorrect the specifications contained in the technical documentation.
For this reason, the customer is obliged to label the technical documentation
provided by Murrelektronik GmbH if and the extent to which the documenta-
tion is amended by the customer. The customers shall undertake to exempt
Murrelektronik from claims for damages of third parties if the latter are attrib-
utable to any defects in the documentation. This shall not apply to damage to
the rights of third parties caused deliberately or by gross negligence.
The customers shall be entitled to use the company brands of Murrelektronik
GmbH exclusively for their product advertising, but only inasmuch as the prod-
ucts of Murrelektronik GmbH are integrated into the products marketed by the
customers. When using Murrelektronik GmbH brands, the customers shall so
state in an adequate manner.