SyChip/Murata Confidential Page 31 of 31 SN2100 Datasheet Ver. 1.1
replacements. Repaired products shall be warranted for the remainder of the original
warranty period. Replaced products shall be warranted for a new full warranty period.
For avoidance of doubt, SyChip shall not be liable for any defects that are caused by
neglect, misuse or mistreatment by an entity other than SyChip including improper
installation or testing, or for any products that have been altered or modified in any way by
an entity other than SyChip. Moreover, SyChip shall not be liable for any defects that result
from your or third party’s design, specifications or instructions for such products.
Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent SyChip deems
necessary. Unless mandated by government requirements, SyChip does not necessarily
test all parameters of each product.
End of Life - Please note that we may discontinue the manufacture of products, due
to reasons such as, but not limited to, end of supply of materials and/or components from
our sup