Copyright © Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 2018
Type 1SC EVK User Guide, v1.3, 5/4/2020
AT commands
The module supports a subset of standard 3GPP AT commands and a set of proprietary commands.
rd AT commands start with “AT+”,
roprietary AT commands start with “AT%”.
All commands are case insensitive.
Here is a list of some useful AT commands.
at%ver to list versions
at+cgmi to read name of manufacturer
at+cgmm to read model number
at+cgsn to read IMEI number
at+cgmr to read software version
at%ccid to check SIM card status
From AT Channel to PPP Channel
The user can switch between an AT channel to a PPP channel as follows. See Section 8 for the
details to create the PPP interface with a PC.
1. Connect a mini-USB cable to the CN14 (UART B) port.
2. Open a terminal shell to the AT channel COM port (the default functionality of UART B is AT
In order to switch to the PPP channel functionality, the user needs to run the ‘ATD*99’ AT
4. After step #3, the AT channel will switch to a PPP channel, on which the user can establish a
PPP connection.
5. In order to switch back to AT channel functionality, the user needs to follow the steps below (in
the PPP terminal):
Enter the ‘+++’ command without pressing the ‘Enter’ key.
b. Wait for one second (at least).
Press the ‘Enter’ key.
6. After step #5, the terminal will suspend the PPP and switch back to an AT channel terminal.
7. Now the port accepts regular AT commands; ATO and AT%H0, respectively, can be used to
resume and terminate the PPP session.
7.4 CLI port
The CLI port is intended for testing purposes and allows the user to enter commands to interact with
the module.
Open PuTTY to the CLI port. The following screenshot shows how to save the configuration as
“COM9” for later use.