© Munters AB, 2018
Mechanical installation guide
The Pig Guard must be installed by an authorized electrician. Power must be disconnected
to avoid electrical shock and damage.
The power supply to the controller should be protected by 10 Amps circuit breaker All
electrical connections must comply with National Electrical code (NEC).
To avoid exposing the Pig Guard to harmful gases or high humidity, it is recommended to
install it in the service room.
Installation Category (Over voltage Category) II
1. Open the enclosure lid by unfastening the four screws.
2. Using the provided bag of screws and plastic caps, drill holes in the three designated areas
inside the Pig Guard. Place caps on the screws once mounting is complete.
3. Drill holes at bottom of the box and place cable holders.
4. Place the required cables through the cable holders at the bottom of the unit. Connect the wires
according to the wiring diagrams.
5. Make sure that you use wires large enough for the load of the variable speed.
6. To connect temperature and humidity sensors use shielded two or four conductor #18-#24
gauge cables. Connect the shields to the Ground metal strip. Do not connect the shields to more
than one point, or you may induce ground loop currents.
7. Close the Pig Guard enclosure lid carefully and tightly. Use RTV silicon or equivalent sealant to
seal the cable holders.
8. After installation is completed, operate the Pig Guard for a few hours and re- check for proper
Environmental Protection
Sensors and Shielded Wiring
Always connect temperature and sensor shields to earth ground.
Avoid mixing high voltage wiring with sensor and low voltage wiring.
Keep the controller as far as possible from heavy contactor boxes and other sources of
electrical interference.
For long shielded wires, connect the shield to ground at one end only.
From the ground terminal, run a heavy wire directly to the ground rod. It is acceptable, if
necessary, to run the heavy ground wire to the electrical service grounding system rather than
directly to the ground rod.
Recycle raw materials instead of disposing as waste. The controller, accessories
and packaging should be sorted for environmental-friendly recycling. The plastic
components are labeled for categorized recycling.