Modbus Register Order: Overview (also see section 4 and
help file of M560 software)
M560 has the facility to reorder its Modbus 3X registers to
suit an existing Modbus network.
The Modbus Registers Tool program provides an easy
method of achieving this.
The order of the registers in any node connected to the
network can be read by the program by clicking on the
READ button.
The list can be modified (using the CLEAR, DEFAULT, <<
and >> buttons) to enable the most accessed parameters to
appear first in the Node’s list, thereby optimising the speed
of the system. The default order for the registers is listed in
the left hand area of the dialog box. Simply clear the right
hand list box and enter the register order required.
The same results can be achieved by using Modbus
function code 1Eh (30) to send a string of data to set the
order of the registers. The order will automatically be saved
01/08/101, 12:52