Seite 18
19. Installing the steerable fi xed noseleg unit (included
in the kit) (pic. 34-42)
Slip one collet
onto the noseleg. Now slip the wheel
leg through the hole in the noseleg bracket
, and fi t a
second collet
on it, followed by the steering arm
. Tighten the grubscrews in the collets at this point, as
shown in Fig.
: ensure that the steering arm is parallel to
the wheel axle, and that the nosewheel leg is free to swivel
Install the nosewheel using the same procedure as descri-
bed for the main undercarriage wheels.
Slip the nosewheel steering pushrod
(1.5 Ø x 151 mm)
into the outermost hole in the steering arm
, and thread
this assembly into the fuselage, as shown in Fig.
. Finally
screw the complete nosewheel bracket assembly
in place
using the self-tapping screws
(3.0 x 16).
Remove the output lever from the Tiny-MG nosewheel stee-
ring servo,
# 6 5122
, place the servo on the left-hand side
of the forward fuselage in the position shown, and secure it
by applying hot-melt adhesive to the mounting lugs and the
side of the servo. Drill a 1.5 mm Ø hole in the servo output
arm in the position shown, then fi t a swivel pushrod connec-
through the hole from the underside. Fit a brass M2
and a brass M2 nut
on the threaded spigot
and tighten the nut just to the point where the connector
swivels smoothly. Secure the nut to the spigot with a drop of
glue. Set the servo to neutral from the transmitter, centre the
nosewheel, then tighten the M3 x 3 socket-head grubscrew
, working through the bottom opening in the fuselage.
The nut retaining the swivel pushrod connector must not
foul the servo case; if it does, reduce the servo travel slightly
at the transmitter.
20. Canopy (pic. 43-47)
Glue the magnetic canopy latch component
(the thicker
part) in the fuselage, setting it fl ush with the surface.
Glue the canopy retainer
in the recess in the front part
of the cockpit cradle
If you wish to add detail to the cockpit, we recommend that
you paint it grey using ELAPOR-Color,
# 60 2722
. Suitable
stickers for cockpit instruments and seats are supplied in
the kit (decal sheet A). If you wish, you can glue the opti-
onal pilot fi gures
# 73 3351
# 73 3352
in the cockpit.
Roughen the base of the pilot fi gures and remove all traces
of grease before gluing them in place.
Cut out the canopy
along the marked lines. Lexan shears
are particularly good for cutting out the moulding, but nail
scissors are a good alternative.
The next step is to glue the canopy
to the cockpit cradle
; this is the procedure: place the cockpit cradle on the
fuselage and apply very small dots of adhesive to the frame,
spaced about 8 cm apart. Now place the canopy on the
frame, and carefully press it into contact with the adhesive.
Allow the glue to set for about ten minutes before removing
it from the fuselage again. Complete the job by applying
high-quality adhesive tape, e.g. insulating tape, all round
the edge of the canopy.
Place the magnetic latch component
(the thinner part)
on its counterpart (already glued in the fuselage), align it
with the fuselage centreline, and spray a little activator on
it. Apply a drop of cyano to the point on the canopy where
the magnetic latch will make contact, then press the cano-
py onto the fuselage. This ensures that both halves of the
canopy latch magnets line up correctly, and the canopy will
be held securely.
21. Installing the power system (pic. 48 & 52)
Screw the motor to the aluminium motor bulkhead
four of the M3 x 10 mm screws included in the power set.
Locate the three wires attached to the speed controller and
connect them to the motor wires. Thread this assembly into
the fuselage from the front, and screw the motor bulkhead
to the aluminium stand-off pillars
using four socket-head
(M3 x 16 mm).
Attach the speed controller to the inside of the fuselage
using Velcro (hook-and-tape) tape
, in the posi-
tion shown in Fig.
. Since the Velcro tape sticks to itself
very strongly, we recommend that you apply a few drops
of Zacki to the adhesive side of the tape to prevent it being
torn from the fuselage.
Check the direction of rotation of the motor: when viewed
from the front, the motor shaft must rotate anti-clockwise.
Carry out this check before fi tting the propeller to the motor.
22. Installing the propeller (pic. 49 & 50)
Carefully balance the propeller. Unscrew the nut from the
propeller driver
, and slip the propeller on it, followed by
the plastic spinner backplate
. Screw the nut on the pro-
peller driver once more, slide this assembly onto the motor
shaft, and tighten the nut fully. Push the Elapor spinner
onto the spinner backplate
We recommend the MPX propeller balancer,
# 33
, for balancing the propeller.
23. Installing the exhaust pipes (pic. 51)
Locate the exhaust pipes which you earlier separated from
the fi n
, and offer them up to the appropriate recesses
on both sides of the fuselage. Position them carefully, and
glue them in place.
24. Installing the receiver (pic. 52)
Fix the receiver in the position shown using a piece of the
Velcro tape
supplied in the kit.
Содержание Tucan
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