Seite 16
1. Preparations for building the model
To build the Tucan you will need a clean, perfectly fl at table
or building board. The following tools are required: sharp
balsa knife, medium-sized cross-point screwdriver, pointed-
nose pliers, side-cutters, Lexan shears or nail scissors,
abrasive paper (220 - 240-grit), 1.5mm & 2,5mm A/F allen
key (supplied in the kit), and a hot-glue gun.
Unless stated otherwise, we recommend Zacki ELAPOR,
# 85 2727
, for all general joints on the model. You will also
need Zacki ELAPOR super liquid,
# 85 2728
and hot-melt
glue for specifi c areas.
2. Installing the noseleg mounting (pic. 05)
Glue the noseleg mounting
to the reinforcements
as shown, taking care to line up the holes accurately.
We recommend Zacki Elapor,
# 85 2727
, for this.
3. Assembling the M-frame (internal wooden box in-
corporating mountings for the motor, fl ight battery and
undercarriage) (pic. 06-09)
Place the following parts in the left-hand fuselage shell
nose bulkhead
, side panel
, reinforcement
, bottom
, former
, transverse former
and reinforce-
, together with parts
, which you have
already assembled. Carefully tack the parts together, but
without gluing them to the foam.
The reference lines in the illustration are intended as a
guide here.
Once you have temporarily glued the frame parts together,
remove the assembly from the foam shell and apply thin
Zacki ELAPOR super liquid,
# 59 2728
, along the joints to
reinforce them: simply run the adhesive along the joint lines
where the parts meet, and allow it to fl ow between them.
Place the side panel
and the reinforcement
in the
right-hand fuselage shell
. Align the parts accurately, and
carefully tack them to the assembly you have just prepa-
red, but again taking care not to glue the parts to the foam.
Remove the frame from the foam shell and apply Zacki
ELAPOR super liquid along the joints as described earlier.
Carefully remove all excess glue residues.
Position the reinforcing components
on the rear
of the motor mount. Ensure that the holes line up accurately,
then glue the parts together.
4. Attaching the motor mount assembly (pic. 10)
Glue the washers
(12 mm O.D., 3.2 mm I.D.) to both
sides of the nose bulkhead
at the positions shown, then
attach the aluminium stand-off pillars
to the front using
the four socket-head cheesehead screws
(M3 x 16 mm).
Apply a drop of thread-lock fl uid to each of the screws to
prevent them working loose. If you have no thread-lock fl uid,
nail varnish is a useful alternative.
5. Joining the fuselage shells (pic. 11)
Position the assembled M-frame in the right-hand fuselage
side, check that it is accurately aligned, and glue it to the
foam shell. Allow the adhesive to set hard, then glue the
two fuselage shells together.
The reference lines in the illustration are intended as a guide
here. Take care to keep the fuselage perfectly straight, i.e.
it must not be twisted or curved.
6. Preparing the control surface horns (pic. 12)
Insert the pushrod connector barrel
in the plastic control
surface horn
. Fit the brass M2 washer
and the brass
M2 nut
on the threaded spigot, then tighten the nut
using a small pair of pliers, but only just to the point where
the connector barrel still rotates smoothly. Apply a drop of
Zacki to secure the nut to the spigot. Fit the M3 x 3 mm
socket-head grubscrew
in the threaded hole to a depth
of about three full turns.
7. Completing the tailplane and elevator (pic. 13 & 14)
Locate the two GRP rods
(1.3 mm Ø x 510 mm) and
cut them to a length of 480 mm. Squeeze the tip of the
(opened) Zacki bottle to a fl at shape with a pair of pliers,
and use it to apply glue to the channels in the tailplane
Carefully press the two GRP rods
in the channels. Glue
the elevator joiner
in the appropriate recess, and fi nally
glue the prepared horn
in the elevator
Cut through the elevators at the ends to allow them to de-
fl ect. Move the elevators up and down to free up the hinges,
but take care not to defl ect them too far - on no account
separate the elevators from the tailplane!
8. Completing the fi n and rudder (pic. 15)
Assemble the rudder horn 38 as described in Step 7, and
glue it in the recess in the rudder 11.
Cut through the rudder
at the top to release it. Move the
rudder from side to side to free up the hinge line, but take
care not to
defl ect it too far - on no account separate the
rudder from the fi
Carefully remove the exhaust pipes, which are moulded
as part of the tailplane, taking care to cut them
off fl ush; be
sure to follow the separation lines shown in the drawing.
The distance between the separation line and the
fi n is 3
mm, and the correct cut will leave a 3 mm tongue attached
to the tailplane.
9. Gluing the tailplane and fi n to the fuselage
(pic. 16 & 17)
Position the tailplane
on the fuselage, and glue it in place.
Check that it is exactly horizontal.
Position the fi n
on the fuselage, and glue it in place.
Check that it is exactly at right-angles to the tailplane.
Содержание Tucan
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