Side 8 af 16
The filters must not be wrought or squeezed to get remaining water
Reinstall the filters in the pipes and screw them into the sockets.
The front filters should be changed when clogged. Pay special
attention to filter 2 (05 micron) and the Activated Carbon filter should
be changed every 4 months of operation irrespective of its visual
(se ill.).
Filers on the front of the electric box, these filters have to be cleaned from
dust e.g. every day.
The filters on the electric box have to be changed every month.
Every month
Lubrication of the pump.
The pump is lubricated with grease at the point where the arrow marked
“grease” (see ill.). Remove the black plugs on the front of the Bluebox, to
reach the grease point (see ill. Side 2)
Maintenance routines:
Check that all the connections and clamps are tightened.
Tighten front filters, RO filters and UV-light bulb.
Check that the drainage pipes in the container are not blocked.
Check all hoses for holes, tears and other breaches of water-tightness.
Check the
pump’s membrane (if there is water leaking out of the small
hole at the bottom of the pump, the membrane is not watertight and must
be changed.