Side 13 af 16
If any faults should occur…
Pump cannot
Float-filter is clogged.
Dismantle red float and clean net-filters
produce any
with brush (see ill. On page 5)
Absorption tube is
Dismantle black absorption hose and fill
not filled with water.
with water (see ill.).
Contra vent in ab-
Take apart contra vent and clean inside.
sorption tube is
Membranes in pump
Pump is dismantled by loosing the bolts -
are defective.
membranes are loosened and changed
(see ill.)
Vent valves in pump
Pump is dismantled by loosening bolts
Are defective or
and vents are cleaned or changed (see
The pump is letting
Tubes are tightened on absorption side
in air.
on pump.
Clean water
Check reasons in
Check solutions in pump section.
capacity falls
pump section.
The system must
Follow the cleaning guide.
undergo a cleaning
(see Part 5, “Every month”).
The system is not
Adjust work pressure to 2 bar (see ill.)
working at normal
and check that the manometer on main-
work pressure.
block shows approx. 2 bar.
The lifting height
The lifting height must be reduced to
(max. 6 meters) has
under 6 meters between the feed water
been exceeded.
source and the BlueBox.
Clean water tube is
Make sure that there is free passage
blocked or clogged
in the blue clean water hose and that the
flow meter are not clogged by obstacles.