Technology Manual – Instantaneous Gas Water Heater 5L/6L CF
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3) Position
Some effective measures must be taken if the heater is fixed on the wall, which is made
up of some inflammable materials. The insulation board should be with a length of all
sides 0.1m longer than that of the heater’s casing.
A door must separate the bedroom near or next to the room or kitchen where the heater
is to be installed. The heater should be fixed at a position which is not only chosen
considering maintenance and working capability but also far from places where it may
be bumped or hit frequently, with more than 0.8m of space at the front and more than
0.1 m on both sides.
It is suggested that the heater is fixed at such position that the fire observation window
is kept on eye level with the user. This varies from user to user but generally it would be
1.5m high from the fire observation window to the floor.
The heater must not be installed below the telephone wire or electrical appliance.
Horizontally the area between the heater and any electrical appliances should be clear
for no less than 0.3m.
Horizontal distance between the heater and gas meter and gas cooker should be no
less than 0.3m
It is prohibited to install the heater inside of or below a cabinet or a closet. A space no
less than 0.2m must separate the heater from curtains, furniture or any other
inflammable objects.
Inlet port
Here lead directly to the air outdoors.