the outlet water is clean, wait for oil to build up on the surface. If the outlet
flowing water contains oil, check for emulsification of oil and upstream
conditions. Ensure that emulsifying detergents are not being used in the
inlet water.
Carefully maintain flow at the rate set when flow was established, or less. The oil
flow into the skimmer/oil tank, once a sufficient quantity of oil has accumulated in
the separator, varies with the concentration of oil in the incoming water. Only oil
will be removed, since the skimmer has been installed above the water level.
Some traces of water will exist in the oil because some of the water will become
entrained in the oil going over the weir. This is not a problem as long as it is not
too great because the oil should be recycled. If excessive water is found, check
the water weir adjustment.
NOTE: An oil layer will always remain on the surface.
1. After approximately 250 hours of operation, the inlet area of the separator
should be checked to determine if an excessive amount of solids have
accumulated. If this happens, the solids may accumulate enough to plug
the lower part of the module. In this case, efficiency will be reduced and
hydrocarbons in the outlet water may exceed allowable limits.
2. After approximately the first 250 hours of operation, the system should be
cleaned as follows:
a. Stop flow to the unit.
b. Remove system cover.
c. Drain the system using the plug at the front of the separator.
d. Remove the seal and coalescing module and clean the module.
Please note the module can be heavy and careful lifting methods
should be used. Always lift safely. The module can be cleaned
using a standard garden hose at normal domestic pressure.
It is not necessary to return the module to as-new
condition or to remove all of the oil, only to remove the solid
particles that may be present in the module. Some oil on the plates
will not cause deterioration of performance.
e. Use a hose to flush the tank and sweep all sediment out of the
drain connections.
f. To restart unit, reinstall module and seals. To reinstall module, use
the following steps:
i. Install module, being careful to install the module with the flat
metal plate down. Move the module to the side of the
module area.
ii. Install the corrugated plastic sheet between the module and
the wall.