Delight Service Manual
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2.3 Inflate and Deflate the Spa to Avoid Air Leakage
Check before inflation whether the manometer cap is screwed up tight on the valve of pool
body. If not, please tighten and then inflate. After inflation, the manometer cannot be removed,
otherwise air will be released.
When the Yellow section is pushed out, the Spa inflation is completed. You can fill the Spa with water.
After water filling is completed. Check air pressure once again to ensure the manometer reaches
Green section. Always ensure the manometer is on Green section at use.
If the White section of the manometer appears, the spa is over inflated. Rotate the valve cap counter
clockwise, have the air released till the Green section is pushed out, then tighten it clockwise.
To avoid over inflation caused by warm weather or sunshine when leaving spa for weeks inflated and
filled with water in temperature higher than 20°C (68°F), please release some air to make sure the
manometer is always on Yellow section.
Spa Deflation
1. Unscrew the manometer cap on the spa pool to deflate the spa.
2. Once the deflation is completed, screw the cap back.
2.4 Avoid Air Leakage from Spa Liner Split or Tiny Holes Due to Over-inflation (For Delight
series only)
2.5 Try to Repair the Tiny Holes or Split on Spa Liner Instead of Replacing a New Spa Liner
For pool liner air leakage caused by tiny holes or splits, it is suggested to first try to repair with glue and PVC
swatches provided in the repair kit. You can also order repair swatches from the spare part list.
With the repair material, most pin holes and splits can be repaired easily within 10 minutes.
Spa Tub and Air Bladder Repair
Use the enclosed repair patch to repair any puncture:
1. Clean and dry the area to be repaired thoroughly
Ensure to ask customers to test the spa pool air pressure with manometer. Testing air pressure
is very critical during the installation process, because any air leakage, pool liner splits due to
over inflation are not covered by the ORPC/MSpa warranty. It is important to advise customers
to watch the MSpa DVD or follow the instruction manual carefully to check and test the air
pressure every single time before inflating or using the spa.